“Monty’s a tough one. He was the only one whose emotions I had to deal with.
Friday, October 12, 2007 at 06:13 AM
Geoff in 2008 Ryder Cup, Colin Montgomerie

The all time worst buried lede award may go to John Hopkins for sticking this quote from Nick Faldo at the end of a boring piece on Faldo's "Captain's log."

“Monty’s a tough one,” Faldo said. “He was the only one whose emotions I had to deal with. He only came to two of the five team meetings, so that was disappointing. Then he had to be teased out on to the 18th green to support his team. The bottom line was that he hadn’t won a point. That’s why I sent him out first in the singles. That’s the place to get a point. And he did.”


Update on Friday, October 12, 2007 at 08:19 AM by Registered CommenterGeoff
Bernard Gallacher weighs in and it's now official, we have full on Ryder Cup soap opera a year out!
But Gallacher was damning with his response. He said: "Nick should be more discrete at this stage, especially as the Ryder Cup is next year. He should keep that sort of stuff for his memoirs after the Ryder Cup, rather than saying it now."

But Gallacher, who had Faldo in all his three teams, said: "I never felt Nick was a real team player but I accepted that as a captain because he gave you points.

"He wasn't a player like Seve, in as much as Seve would try and rule the team meetings and be out on the course rooting for the players. Nick always wanted to play with the best players. I went along with that because he was pretty good.

"But sometimes tactically you need to split the best players up. Seve was always up for that but Nick wasn't."
Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (http://geoffdshackelford.squarespace.com/).
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