From Monday's Ryder Cup press conference. Yet another reminder how much golf misses the Faldo-Azinger antics.
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: Thank you, Julius, everybody. And thank you everyone.Sounds like the changes at Valhalla are just splendid...
Richard, don't count yourself out yet. The way Nick's assistants are dropping like flies, you may be in there as a Captain's Assistant. (Laughter).
CAPTAIN NICK FALDO: I'm ready for you. That's what we used to do on ABC.
Q. Paul, just talk about the course today that you saw and how different it is, and then maybe Nick, also, just how different it is than what it was in 2000.
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: It's quite a bit longer than it was in 2000. I really had forgotten how much undulation there was here. But it's, you know, I think it's going to be a bit hard, the redo of the four greens that they did, the greens don't look anything like the greens that have been here and been in place. They have been made very, very difficult. It's going to be even a challenge on a couple of them to find four pins I think maybe.
But I think it's going to be probably a little more difficult at 7,500 yards. Of course we may not play it at that length. I'm not sure yet. I think I'm going to have a little influence or say-so in the course setup as the home team captain.
So it's going to really depend on the makeup of our team I think as to how long we'll play the golf course. I think Europe's worked a pretty good advantage in their home course setup the last few Ryder Cups, and if we can get any kind of an edge at all, I'll be looking for that; I don't know what it will be.
If that was too subliminal, this should spell it out...
Q. A lot of times we'll hear a hole described as "a great match-play hole." Can each of you talk about what makes a hole a great match-play hole, and specifically, out here, which of these holes do you think are going to be a great match-play hole?
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: I think a great match-play hole, I think when someone says that, I think it's a hole that gives you a lot of options, maybe an aggressive option versus a conservative option where the guy maybe who is leading the match makes a conservative decision and presses a guy's hands who may be behind and have to make an aggressive decision.
I think there's a couple holes like that out here. I think namely the 13th hole, the tee looks like it may be moved up and guys may actually take a crack at that green. That could be an example of what you're talking about.
JULIUS MASON: Nick, thoughts on a good match-play hole?
CAPTAIN NICK FALDO: Well, I agree, it's risk and reward. 13 is one option. But as we discovered today, not too much bail-out area (chuckling). Trees or water, there's your choice.
I can't see a true match-play hole. It's a very good golf course and they are all very good holes, but for me personally I can't see a true match-play hole at the moment.
That's not good. Even Firestone has a few match play holes!
Q. Secondly, there was a lot of talk at Wentworth about how much you had made from Monty about the Seve Trophy. Have you talked to previous captains and do you regret anything you said?
CAPTAIN NICK FALDO: What comments are they?
Q. Just that Monty missed a few meetings --
CAPTAIN NICK FALDO: Sorry, missed that.
Q. Well, the quote was that Monty was a tough one and he was the only one whose emotions you had to deal with.
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: That you called Monty a really bad word or something, (laughter), horse's something -- I don't know. (Laughter).
CAPTAIN NICK FALDO: Are you the same as me? I can't hear the question.
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: Doug, you're a little waffly there.
CAPTAIN NICK FALDO: Yeah, i can't get the question.
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: Ask it again, Doug. I want to hear the answer. (Laughter).
JULIUS MASON: We'll bring Richard back up at this point.
Q. You were quoted in the Times of London as just saying Monty was a difficult one at the Seve Trophy and didn't come to all of the meetings and was the only one whose emotions you had to deal with. Curious if there was any fallout or if you spoke to any previous captains who were critical of you being so open.
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: That was a horrible answer. (Laughter).
Oh and we have a year to go! Here's more...
Q. Have you spoken to anybody yet about replacing Paul McGinley as an assistant captain?
Q. Whoever it might be, do you view their role the same as Paul expressed earlier, that it's not just baby sitting, it's to stop you making mistakes?
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: Keep you from making a mistake, not like baby-sitting.
Q. That's the way Paul expressed it.
CAPTAIN PAUL AZINGER: He thought he made a mistake once, but he was mistaken. (Laughter).
CAPTAIN NICK FALDO: Yeah (dryly) (Laughter) You have to live, you do the best you can. You make your best decisions all the time.