Rosie On Rocco
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 07:36 PM
Geoff in 2008 US Open

Tim Rosaforte files a very enjoyable profile of Rocco Mediate's whirlwind run and finally, someone catches up on the incredible trevails he's gone through in the midst of a couple of other great runs that you likely forgot about.

I did wonder about this:His legs rested on a chair, exposing bare ankles and clean-shaven legs. (That's right—Mediate shaves his legs. "A lot of women are jealous," he says.) On the wall a flat-screen TV replayed the afternoon action, Rocco's name still on the first page of the leader board.

Two hours after his second round ended with a birdie, he was relaxing in black drawstring sweatpants, a black Callaway sweater and black Nike Frees.
Uh, what brand were those drawstring sweats Tim? Sloppy, sloppy! Please, we need to know.

This, borders on TMI...

His legs rested on a chair, exposing bare ankles and clean-shaven legs. (That's right—Mediate shaves his legs. "A lot of women are jealous," he says.)

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