Azinger's Book Arrives; Will Captain Pavin Acknowledge It?
Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 08:36 PM
Geoff in 2008 Ryder Cup, 2010 Ryder Cup

Bill Fields catches up with Paul Azinger about his new book with Ron Braund about the 2008 Ryder Cup pod system.

As for Azinger's book, he said 25,000 copies are being printed, and Brookstone has already purchased 10,000 to sell in its airport stores. He believes people will be intrigued by how he and therapist Ron Braund got the American Ryder Cuppers to mesh.

"We had the best players out there because the selection process changed," Azinger said. "Then we just got them sold on a concept and got the heck out of their way ... They played great. They deserve the credit, and they get the credit in the book. The story tells how we organized those guys -- how we tried to create the best environment for them and not over manage them but just get out of their way and let them do what they do best."

I wonder if Captain Corey Pavin will pick up a copy while strolling through the airport? After all, as you may recall in one of the more hilariously eye-opening pre-Ryder Cup oddities of all time, Captain Azinger reported to me last month that he still had not heard from 2010 Captain Pavin.

Top that, Monty!

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