From today's SI roundtable on the topic of players wearing microphones.
Wei: Jonathan Byrd was the only player to agree to be mic'ed. Talked with a few other players (Bettencourt, McDowell & Rose) about the concept. All of them weren't against it, but they said they probably wouldn't volunteer unless it was something like the Tavistock Cup. Rose didn't want the added distraction of feeling like he had to temper his emotions or get into a situation where he'd reveal his "intellectual property." But they all think it'd be great for the fans, and viewers could gain good insight!
Dusek: Great for the fans, and the viewers could gain good insight, but not from me? Lovely. Guys, golf is as much entertainment as sport. Why deny viewers/fans what they want? Why not mandate mics for anyone playing in one of the final four groups on Saturday and Sunday? Volunteers welcome on Thursday and Friday.
I don't know how many saw it, but Golf Channel captured a couple of excellent exchanges on Sunday's TOC telecast. One was picked up by the sound dudes featuring Graeme McDowell and his caddie. Faldo (of course, who else!) tried to talk over it but it made for great television. There was also a Byrd-and-caddie exchange that, while not earth shattering in its revelations, made me stop what I was doing, listen closely to what was being said and take in the pre-shot banter.
And even better, no one's intellectual property was compromised!