Justin Rose Is Worried Other Players Will Borrow His Most Profound Strategic Insights
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 08:30 PM
Geoff in 2011 PGA Tour, Golf and Television

He is this week's SI Golf Plus My Shot stand-in and he explains why he's against wearing a microphone.

In the first round last week we were getting a ruling and it was taking a long time. When the guys behind us hit tee shots up the fairway, I felt as if they were getting a little too close and hassling us. Then, one of them was standing in my line of sight as I was putting, and I three-putted. I felt a little frustrated by a fellow competitor, who is a friend. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but I expressed my annoyance to Fouch, which would come across badly on tape.

Okay that's fine. And that is a great example where networks would be tempted to run something juicy. Of course, one could save that thought for after the round. But anyway...

There's also a lot that goes on that's considered intellectual property. It's a competitive disadvantage if players can listen in on other players' conversations.

Do tell.

Each guy is different, but I like to talk strategy with Fouch. We'll have chats that help me stay in the moment, and there are things he'll remind me to do. Regarding course strategy, there might be a bunker shot that most guys play straight for the pin, but they don't realize that if they hit 20 feet up a ridge — a much easier shot — the ball will roll back to six feet. It's difficult to gain an edge, and I don't want to give up any that I have.

That's true, because we know how much professional golfers listen intently to a telecast and how they look to televised golf for original ideas on how to play the same course that very same week!

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (http://geoffdshackelford.squarespace.com/).
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