South American Wins; Reminds World Of The Olympic Golf Movement It Has Already Forgotten About**
Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 09:55 PM
Geoff in 2011 PGA Tour

Sean Martin, in Golfweek's "Rapid Reaction," tells us the reasons we should be excited about Jhonattan Vegas' exciting win at the Hope and not one of his reasons has anything to do with the 72-holes of WGC-lite stroke play golf headed to Rio in 2016.

Update on Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 10:56 PM by Registered CommenterGeoff

**In the SI roundtable Gary Van Sickle points out this:

Van Sickle: Actually, Olympic golf is an individual event, not a country-vs.-country team event, which I think would've been better. And on the contrary, we do have to worry about Venezuela because Vegas will almost certainly be in the field if he's among the top 300 ranked players in the world by then.

Even better, Vegas may be the first to clinch a spot in the field! Gosh this format and qualifying has me so excited for 2016!

Speaking of Vegas' Venezuelan roots, the sacrifices he and his family have made and why he has the potential to be a huge draw, Martin filed this piece earlier in the week that's worth a look.

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