“I threw the hot dog toward Tiger Woods because I was inspired by the movie ‘Drive.'"
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 08:06 AM
Geoff in 2011 PGA Tour, Tiger Woods

Julie Johnson of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat tracks down the Tiger Woods "fan" who hurled a hot dog and ran onto the 7th green at CordeValle, only to be charged with a misdemeanor even after it is now revealed that it was a premeditated attack.

Petaluma's Brandon Kelly, 31, explained his reasoning:

“I threw the hot dog toward Tiger Woods because I was inspired by the movie ‘Drive,'" Kelly said. “As soon as the movie ended, I thought to myself, ‘I have to do something courageous and epic. I have to throw a hot dog on the green in front of Tiger.'”

Paging little men in white jackets.

And here's why it'll happen again:

And in reference to comments at the scene, including by one player, that he could have been harmed by law enforcement, Kelly added: “Did I think I could be shot like some people were saying? Absolutely not.”

Nothing that a little tasering can't fix.

And here's where we learned that alcohol is not entirely to blame:

Kelly posted on his Facebook page Sunday morning a photo of a hot dog in his hand in front of his vehicle's steering wheel and speedometer. It was taken at about 7:15 a.m. Sunday as he drove from his home in Sonoma County to the golf tournament at CordeValle Golf Club south of San Jose.

Petaluma must be so proud of its native son.

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (http://geoffdshackelford.squarespace.com/).
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