“I think it’s sad they let the golf ball get out of control."
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 05:11 AM
Geoff in 2011 U.S. Open, Technology, USGA

Like you need a reason to root for 55-year-old qualifier Fred Funk, there's also this, as told to Ryan Ballengee.

“I think it’s sad they let the golf ball get out of control,” Funk said Sunday in a telephone interview.

“[The USGA] is going to argue that it’s pure club head speed and increased athleticism, but I don’t think they can make that argument if you look at the game and how it’s progressed in a little more than a decade. There are guys who are great athletes that have a lot of clubhead speed, but they generate so much carry with the golf ball. There’s more dispersion between the average guy and these guys that are really, really long.”

Barry Svrulga fills us in on Funk's Monday press conference and excitement about qualifying this year.

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (http://geoffdshackelford.squarespace.com/).
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