"The greens are soaking wet, and so are the fairways. It's target golf. It's not really a U.S. Open."
Sunday, June 19, 2011 at 06:12 AM
Geoff in 2011 U.S. Open

Tough and honest words from Graeme McDowell Saturday after the round. He certainly wasn't trying to take away from Rory's performance (read the rest of the unbylined AP story or the transcript), nor is it a knock on the maintenance effort. But he was merely pointing out how different this course is compared to typical U.S. Open setups.

"I've been a little disappointed with the golf course the last couple of days. It wasn't as firm and fast as I would like to have seen it," said defending champion Graeme McDowell, whose red-number contribution was a 69 that put him at even par going into Sunday. "The greens are soaking wet, and so are the fairways. It's target golf. It's not really a U.S. Open."

After the round the USGA's Tom O'Toole and Jeff Hall explained the USGA's position and defended the immaturity of the greens, saying that the inability this week to get the desired speed and firmness has nothing to do with their age. Not sure I can agree with that, especially based on Mike Davis's comments earlier in the week suggesting that the USGA would not push the greens to the point that they leave Congressional with dirt next week.

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (http://geoffdshackelford.squarespace.com/).
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