Beman: "The advances in technology have greatly reduced the advantage of the physically superior."
Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 08:05 PM
Geoff in 2011 U.S. Open, State of the Game, Technology

Good to see Deane Beman continuing to shine a light on the technology debate as he battles with Golf World's E. Michael Johnson in this week's issue.

Responding to a question about the growing divide between amateur and pro game and why everyday courses should not be impacted:

Beman: You would think that, but fact is people who are on club golf committees see these longer courses. For the most part, they're better players and they become infatuated with all of it and push for a new tee box here or another 30 yards there. It's not good for the game. It's not a good use of land. It's not a good use of resources, and it does little but make the game too hard and too slow.

GW: Which is why some have called for more equipment rollbacks. But why should manufacturers have to adjust because people can't keep their egos in check?

Beman: Because when you have 523-yard par 4s it's really not golf.

GW: But golf is a sport where physical superiority should count for something.

Beman: That's my point. The advances in technology have greatly reduced the advantage of the physically superior. And those with more talent too. Everyone hits it long enough now. Working the ball is a lost art.

Jack [Nicklaus] hit it farther than just about everyone. That was an advantage for him. Now the longest of hitters don't get that big a benefit. Three hundred yards when everyone else is at 260 is useful. Hitting it 320 when the rest are at 290 is not nearly as much so because both players are still hitting a short iron in.

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (
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