Jemsek Wants To Talk To Phil About His "Hatchet" Job On Rees
Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 07:37 PM
Geoff in 2011 PGA Tour, Architecture, Phil Mickelson

Alex Miceli reports that Cog Hill head man and all-around nice guy Frank Jemsek would like to talk to Phil Mickelson about why he finds Rees Jones' butchery of otherwise very nice golf courses so awful.

"I would look forward to talking to him," Jemsek said. "I would guarantee I would listen. I really feel badly for his hatchet job on Rees, I don't think Rees deserves it. It would be a great chance to talk to someone I wouldn't get a chance to talk to (otherwise). "

Interestingly, it's not Phil's criticism that did the damage this week. It was commentary from the normally diplomatic Steve Stricker and Luke Donald's that did the most damage.

Bob Harig says the real issue with the criticism of Cog Hill's Reestoration is with the aftereffects.

The problem with such comments, of course, is that they are likely to scare away the paying public. One of the reasons a golf course or club is interested in hosting such events is to call attention to their layouts. It helps drive business, whether it be daily fee players or those who might purchase memberships.

It's a long-held truth that the average golfer very much enjoys the challenge of playing the same courses where the pros play. But do they want to shell out in excess of $150 when they read or hear comments such as this:

"I've got to believe for the average golfer, it is very difficult," said Stricker, who felt sorry for his pro-am partners on Wednesday. "They're playing from way up [tees], and they're just living in those bunkers. It's almost too severe in spots."

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (
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