Final 2011 Review: Viral Videos, Huggy's
Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 09:13 AM
Geoff in 2011 PGA Tour, 2011 Presidents Cup

Mike Walker does a nice job compiling the best viral-videos-not-removed-by-the-PGA-Tour-for-copyright-reasons-yet.

I must say, while the Players Championship turtle remains my favorite, getting to see a clean version of Sergio's recent club hurl backed by Scott Walker commentary, brought the artistry and technical brilliance of young Mr. Garcia's tantrum to another level.

Just think of all the hours in the gym he put in to get this one-handed (take that Tommy Bolt!) club torque and speed:

Meanwhile, John Huggan's year-in-review involves giving out awards, and while many Huggy's were great reminders of the year, this as-yet-unspoken gripe for the "Most offensive waste of money" was a favorite:

The Presidents Cup, like all events that fall under the PGA Tour umbrella, prides itself on the contribution it makes to charity. Which is great. But oh my, how much more could have been passed to deserving causes had a veritable tribe of golf officials from across the globe – there must have been at least 40 of them – not been expensively kitted out in cashmere suits and jackets for the opening and closing ceremonies at Royal Melbourne last month?

The Huggy committee does not normally jump to conclusions, but it is a safe bet that every one of those officials already owns a nice suit, one that would have failed to offend any of the watching public. What a freeloading disgrace.

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (
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