Telegraph Fiction: Tiger Snaps At British Foes; Offers "Tetchy" Response
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 02:10 AM
Geoff in 2012 Open Championship, Tiger Woods

I've read several accounts of Tiger's Tuesday press conference at Lytham, all were quite positive. Except the Daily Telegraph, which came up with a fictional take, the headline writer declaring:

Tiger Woods puts on happy face before snapping at British foes

And the sub-header:

American believes tough course rewards creativity; Questions over new swing provoke tetchy response

Oliver Brown's story didn't quite match the headline writer's fantasy, though this was a stretch too. I know, I was sitting in the front row.

Pressed on whether he was surprised to be on the cusp of becoming world No 1 again, he shot back, "No. That help you?" Mark Steinberg, his agent, looked on anxiously, as if dreading the next line of inquiry from the British press corps whom Woods so despises.


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