Medinah Rounding Into Shape, Slowly
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at 10:41 AM
Geoff in 2012 Ryder Cup

Sean Jensen visits Medinah for an update where the fairways are finally getting a break from being played "aggressively" by members and guests according to director of golf course operations Curtis Tyrrell.

The PGA's Kerry Haigh recently paid a visit and is only concerned with the fairway conditions, which should thrive with cooler weather and minimal play since the course was closed on August 20th.

The fairways are his only concern because of a combination of wear and tear, as well as weather. Tyrrell said the different types of grass at Medinah ideally grow at a soil temperature of around 50 to 65 degrees. But with a hot June and July — including a stretch of 45 days when the soil temperature was over 80 — the fairways, in particular, took a beating.

‘‘Rain would help and some cooler temperatures, and if we have one of those great Chicago Septembers, we’ll be just fine,’’ said Michael Belot, the director of the 2012 Ryder Cup. ‘‘The course will be in phenomenal shape.’’

Added Tyrrell, ‘‘The fairways are really filled in.’’

A nice video report features Tyrrell talking about tree removal and Rees Jones' renovation of Medinah.

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (
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