Bob Harig of reports that Tiger ten-percenter Mark Steinberg confirms his client's four-year deal to endorse Hero motorscooters is in "the ballpark" of the $8 million reported by media reports in India.Even better (for Tiger)...
Steinberg said the deal is for four years and does not include a stipulation that Woods play in the India Open. Woods also will not have the company's logo on his golf bag or his shirt.
Hero sponsors the India Open, but Woods didn't know the date of the event when asked during Tuesday's press conference.
According to Doug Ferguson's AP report on the first substantial deal for Tiger in some time (I know a lot of you were losing sleep over whether he'd be able to pay the electric bill), it's all about the branding...
Munjal said Woods will be used in television commercials and other advertising in various markets, though still to be determined is whether Woods actually rides one of the Hero motorcycles in a commercial. He still hasn't ridden one.
"I'm not sure if he necessarily has to be on a motorbike," Munjal said, adding that Woods sat on a motorcycle Tuesday for a still photo to be used in advertising.
While Woods announced the event would move on to the Bahamas for the next three years, less clear is whether Hero is going with them. The World Challenge sponsorship announcement in September only mentioned this year.
**The Woods Foundation says the Hero name will be on the event for four years, starting this year.
As for Tiger's pro-am round--arguably the most scrutinized in years, and by that I mean, golf writers watched him play--it was all systems go.
Dave Shedloski of even said it was pretty boring, which is actually a good thing. And this:
Several times Woods conferred with his new swing consultant, Chris Como, who occasionally captured video of Tiger's swing on his mobile phone.
From Steve DiMeglio's USA Today report:
On Wednesday, Woods played in the pro-am, walking 18 holes, he joked, for the first time since the PGA Championship. He hit just a couple loose shots, made three birdies and went full-bore on two drives – on the 8th and 18th holes – and was not the worse for wear.
"Yeah, that is where I've been," Woods said when asked if the two swings were confirmation of his restored back. "That's the neat thing. I took that much time off right after the PGA and built up my body and made a few adjustments on my swing and hit some good shots today."
Rex Hoggard reported at that Woods was 2 under and it was if nothing had been amiss.
On Wednesday, Woods looked relaxed and on more than one occasion, like at the par-4 18th hole, he aggressively hit driver. There were no awkward moments, no painful grimaces, no cause for concern, only a scorecard that added up to 2 under par following three birdies and one bogey.
Woods tees off at 12:15 pm ET Thursday with Jason Day. Golf Channel picks up Hero World Challenge coverage at 2 p.m. ET.