Tiger revealed in his 144th Open Championship press conference he's still "right here in front of you" and insisted he's not done. But more fun for golf junkies, he revealed that he would love to play the Old Course in reverse, as they do every April 1st.
Ewan Murray of the Guardian with the Tiger news from St. Andrews:
Of St Andrews, Woods added: “Obviously it’s the home of golf, we all know that. But to me it’s brilliant, how you can play it so many different ways. I’ve always wanted to play it backwards, one time before I die. I want to play from 1 to 17, 2 to 16, so forth and so on. I think that would be just a blast because I can see how certain bunkers – why would they put that there? And then if you play it backwards, you see it. It’s very apparent. That’s totally in play. That one day would be a lot of fun to be able to do.”
Jeremy Glenn filed this excellent look at the reverse Old Course for GolfClubAtlas.com