Good stuff from the Toronto Sun's Jon McCarthy who takes the unpopular view that Rory McIlroy, burgeoning golf legend, brand and vital entity to the international game, needs to stop being told it's okay to play intense football games in his spare time. He writes:
“Absolutely,” said Knox “You've got to enjoy your life and golf is just a hobby for me.”
Wait. What? Golf is just a hobby?
So Russell Knox is obviously damn good at his hobbies. If golf is just a hobby for McIlroy, too, then he should do whatever his heart desires. Kickabouts. Kick arounds. Sleep in past his Ryder Cup tee time. Change golf club brands when his game is on fire.
McIlroy's injury prevented him from missing the once-every-five years champions dinner last night at St. Andrews. Oh, and defending his title captured last year at Hoylake.
**Rory's already back in the gym, reports Belfast Live.