An extra day should be worth the wait as any number of players stand a chance to win the 2015 Open Championship.
The weather forecast continues to look ominous during the key hours the leaders are on the course, though the gust numbers have come down, mercifully.
The traditional leaderboard.
The final round hole locations are here and maintain the streak of four straight days avoiding Peter Dawson's new second hole bunkers.
**Just in from a walkabout of the entire course and the front nine is there for the taking, while the back is currently playing incredibly tough (as some of the early tough starters have shown). The hole locations at 11, 12 and 13 will make that stretch unusually difficult.
The crowds are large considering the Monday situation and weather, but the only food options are coffee and ice cream (no pints). The 18th hole grandstand is also developing into an embarrassing situation, as all public stands have been full since 10 am while the reserved section immediately above the green remains empty as of 2 pm.