Woods Switched Back To His Scotty The Day Nike Quit The Equipment Business
Friday, December 2, 2016 at 08:06 PM
Geoff in Golf Business, Tiger Woods

We know players make club switches to appease sponsors and face bag requirements. But most club companies ultimately trust a player to do what is best for their game if they are struggling. Tiger Woods has never been woeful on the greens. But before his layoff, he wasn't as good as he once was.

Given that Tiger Woods won 13 of 14 majors with his trusty Scotty Cameron Newport 2 putter, his response to a question about switching back to it today prompted an uncharacteristically blunt answer.

From Will Gray's full item on this fascinating insider issue.

“The day that we (Nike) were no longer a part of the hard goods side,” Woods said when asked when he put his old putter back into play.

Brandel Chamblee was asked about his expectations for the weekend but instead noted that Woods has moved into a unique place where he can pick whatever he wants in his bag. But the question may now linger: why didn't one of the greatest players of all time and richest golfers in history have the freedom to putt with his trusty flatstick?

Update on Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 11:58 AM by Registered CommenterGeoff

**Big first day ratings:

Article originally appeared on A blog devoted to the state of golf. (http://geoffdshackelford.squarespace.com/).
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