Bidding more for a dozen of Costco balls than the top-priced ball on the market?
America the beautiful!
The ebay prices are giggle-worthy. However it's mostly the notion that Costco, which sells a lot of vice-worthy items in bloated sizes, had its website bog down Tuesday as golf junkies jammed the servers trying to order the new low cost ball that has tested well.
Reader Guy reports that the 11 am-to-1 pm ET sales window today did offer the opportunity to buy the ball, but as many noted below, the website was lagging badly. Imagine that, bogging down a site that sells almost anything, only larger.
Who says golf is dead?
Costco slammed with website traffic this morning as golfers try to order their much heralded ball. Lot of complaints.
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) December 20, 2016
What's currently harder in the world of golf..... Getting on Augusta or ordering Kirkland Signature Golf Balls from @Costco
— Kyle Garrett (@GisforUGA) December 20, 2016
Went to purchase new Kirkland golf balls on @Costco site. Nope sold out. Now writing a letter to Santa.
— Luke Reasoner (@lukereasoner) December 20, 2016
Kirkland Golf Balls. Costco website now showing "In-Stock". Site traffic easing, I was able to buy.
— Vincent Lee Studio (@vlpnyc) December 20, 2016
#AllIWantForChristmas is Kirkland Signature Golf Balls from @Costco but nooo.... the site crashed and they sold out #smh #MerryChristmasNOT
— Troy Chadwick (@TroyChad) December 20, 2016
@Costco today's golf ball release was a train wreck. Get it together Mr. Kirkland!
— rizzau1152 (@rizzau44) December 20, 2016
@costco "Due to inventory changes, item 1081660 in your cart is no longer available" been trying all morning. Kirkland Signature Golf Ball
— Joe Schinagle (@Jschinagle) December 20, 2016
Very sad that people are buying @Costco Kirkland golf balls and selling them for triple the price on Ebay. For that price, buy Pro V1's
— 🐙Kristy🐙 (@KristyWright3) December 20, 2016
**And this from reader mtulls:
@GeoffShac some who were able to place orders now saying the order was cancelled hours later
— M T (@mtulls) December 21, 2016