Roundup: Day After New Year's Non-Dump Golf News
Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 09:03 PM
Geoff in Golf Business

The folks in golf were fine tuning their press releases over the holidays to hit us on January 2nd with news. Far from a Friday news dump, it's (mostly) nice to see the announcements and moves. Expect more this week. is a great source as is the relaunched Forecaddie, your longtime friend in print now finding its way online and on Twitter. Follow!

In the meantime...

Taylor Made unveiled two new drivers, an M3 and M4. They twist, David Dusek reports for Golfweek.

Sean Foley is in at Golf Channel, Michael Breed is out and headed to SiriusXM, among many plays. The Forecaddie explains.

Adidas is rolling out a sleek looking new shoe for a limited run, to be worn this week at Kapalua by Dustin Johnson. Brentley Romine reports.

Dylan Dethier at on Adidas renewing with several players, including Sergio Garcia whose turned to Callaway for clubs and a ball and Xander Schauffle, who Golf Central reported is also headed to Callaway for equipment needs.

Dusek on Callaway signing Garcia.

The Forecaddie on Garcia going all in with 14 clubs, including the exceptional art deco-infused new Atlanta putter by Odyssey and Sean Toulon.

I guested on Callaway's Ship Show pod with Jeff Neubarth while Harry Arnett and Amanda Balionis were away, so we had the fun of asking Sergio about his new deal.

No mutiny here! @JeffNeubarth and I comandeered the ShipShow to talk to @TheSergioGarcia about signing with @Callawaygolf. Don’t worry, @HarryArnettCG @Amanda_Balionis will be back soon.

— Geoff Shackelford (@GeoffShac) January 2, 2018

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