The (2015) Rankings Are Out! The (2015) Rankings Are Out!
So much to line your birdcage with all at once! What to do? Save the ink cartridges.You longtime readers know how I feel about the course rankings that are too high on experiential factors and depressingly low on timeless design appreciation. But to recap: Golf Digest's still doesn't carry the weight it should because the list includes Resistance to Scoring as a category, which might as well be called resistance to fun, resistance to character and resistance to soul.
Imagine a ranking of great films rewarding only those that run over three hours, or saying great restaurants get points for difficulty of making a reservation.
The big news this year: Augusta National overtook Pine Valley for the top spot this year. Neither reflects the brilliant vision of their founders who are held up as saints at both clubs. Yet neither is worthy of being known as the best course in America after letting Tom Fazio inject his special brand of mediocrity and his shameful lack of understanding of the foundation and soul of Bobby Jones and George Crump's creations. Architecturally, The National Golf Links of America is on another level right now. And it won't surprise you to learn they have not had a Fazio on the property to do any damage.
Then there is Golf Magazine, which debuted its World Top 100 a day after Digest this year and, while generally more in line with my architectural tastes, adds two courses that no one but royal family members can or would be ignorant enough to access. These are (literally) private courses that almost no one will ever see. One in particular is an embarrassment to the idea of semi-refined golf architecture, with a ranking inclusion so clearly out of place (attested privately by horrified Golf Magazine panelists) that it devalues the entire exercise by its very inclusion.
I won't bore you with the ongoing and pathetic Golf Magazine love affair with Nine Bridges, but instead, let you revel in the joy that is new World No. 76, Ayodhya Links...
Reader Comments (52)
One constant complaint I hear about rankings is (to paraphrase), "I can't get on, therefore it shouldn't be rated. Hate to say it folks but places like Ellerston, Rich Harvest; etc are rated, so someone is playing them.
One such course here, Loch Lomond, closed to the general public to play, wouldn't get the time of day with me, with that policy.
I think the Bob Harrison influence on the look of 'Norman's' bunkers in Australia cannot be underestimated. Nor can the resulting quality of Norman's courses be spoken of without reference to Bob's skills. They always give you space from the tee which is very RM and set greens to reward a drive to the ideal place on the fairway. Again very RM.
Their best bunkers are at The National - and it was one of the few times they had a chance to work on a sandy site. They are nothing like sandbelt bunkers. It is at least the equal of Elleston IMO and if NSW is in the top 50 then it should be in the top 100.
All the raters get the same experience at Elleston and it is hard not to be influenced by it. No normal course can hope to emulate the Elleston experience because it is so unreal. It is beautiful though. My criticisms would be it is a brutal walk - I assume you played in carts - and it is very difficult. I know Bob had another routing which would have alleviated both problems but can you imagine arguing with Greg Norman and Kerry Packer?
We should catch up at the Australian Open.I'm doing the on course radio in the pm from the right of the 1st about 170m off the tee.
And Geoff, another props for the Jerk ref., a movie that only gets better with each viewing. That's all I need. And another driver....and that....
Maybe, It'll be a wonderful thing that Nine Bridges enters from first South Korea as World Ranking. But Ranked #90-#100 is suitable.
I visited in Ayodhya.links two years ago. however, can you criticize a design of water comes in play in all 18 holes?
I have no right to criticize. because I lost 4 balls!! .Please do not misunderstand me. I have not done overrating.since 1991.I don't know how many panelists estimated Ayodhya highly.But my judgment is different from them.
Obviously who ever did this list is the same party that awarded Chambers Bay the US Open. Hint:"Founded by 30 of Thailand's most prominent figures, Ayodhya links..."
Good facilities and of course no waiting on the course are the highlights of playing there.