Ouch Scheduling Luck: National Golf Day Hits Capitol Hill On A Slightly Busy Day In DC
Unfortunate or some might say ironic scheduling, but as the golf world's very own President Donald Trump briefed Senators on North Korea, pushed tax reform and worked to stave off a government shutdown, Capitol Hill was probably not too focused on National Golf Day. We will never know, but credit the folks in golf for still spreading the gospel in the face of Tuesday's chaos. Over 175 meetings with House and Senate members--who were undoubtedly keeping one eye on their Twitter feeds--took place, reports Ryan Herrington for Golf World.
This year’s efforts focused on three specific areas: health, labor and the environment. Participants attended 175 meetings with members of the House of Representatives and Senate from their home states, passing along the industry’s thoughts on these issues.
In each meeting, We Are Golf participants asked for support of specific bills already proposed in Congress (notably the PHIT Act, which would include physical activity, including golf lessons, green fees and camps/clinics, among tax-deductible medical expenses) or the repeal of current provisions (such as the Clean Water Act, which golf leaders says overregulates ponds and wetlands found on golf courses).
“I look forward to National Golf Day every year,” said Congressman James E. Clyburn, a Democrat from South Carolina. “It’s a chance to visit with the folks at We Are Golf here on Capitol Hill to talk about the positive impact the game has on our economy, worthy charities and personal fitness.”