Performance Enhancing Clubs?
This week's SI features Rick Reilly ranting about Mark McGwire and SI's cover story on the steroid issue in baseball. Then there's an exclusive from Alan Shipnuck on how Tiger
(sub. req.) has picked up 10-12 yards by simply changing to a new,
top-secret Nike ball due out in May. And then there was Jim Herre's
Trust Me comment: "It's only a matter of time before there's a
baseball-like drug scandal in golf."
Which made me wonder
why everyone is so bent out of shape about steroid usage in baseball,
when it isn't a surprise and some of McGwire's admitted-to use was
legal at the time. Meanwhile in golf, performance-enhancing equipment
which has and will continue to work around USGA rules, that's A-OK? I
know, I know, all the health stuff and "the children" have something to
do with it. And reliance on consumerism is an okay thing to ingrain in
the kids. Sorry, I forgot.