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  • Grounds for Golf: The History and Fundamentals of Golf Course Design
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    The Art of Golf Design
    by Michael Miller, Geoff Shackelford
  • The Future of Golf: How Golf Lost Its Way and How to Get It Back
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  • Lines of Charm: Brilliant and Irreverent Quotes, Notes, and Anecdotes from Golf's Golden Age Architects
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  • The Golden Age of Golf Design
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  • Masters of the Links: Essays on the Art of Golf and Course Design
    Masters of the Links: Essays on the Art of Golf and Course Design
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  • The Good Doctor Returns: A Novel
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  • The Captain: George C. Thomas Jr. and His Golf Architecture
    The Captain: George C. Thomas Jr. and His Golf Architecture
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Bubba Drives Interest In The Game

Tim Rosaforte writes:

If you stayed up late Sunday night to watch David Toms blow out the field at the Sony Open, you were looking for something to keep you from going asleep. Nothing against Toms, who won by five strokes; it just wasn�t much of a final round for drama.

Thankfully, there was Bubba Watson. The purists may think distance is ruining the game. In truth, distance drives the interest in the game.

Distance drives interest in the game? is that why ratings are in the toilet and play is way down? I knew it!

Watson is more than a circus act experiencing his 15 minutes. He is the reason why Tiger Woods went to graphite and why Mickelson was experimenting with a 47-inch shaft this off-season. Watson is the future. He is 6-foot-3, 180 pounds of elasticity, and he didn't appear the least bit nervous on the weekend, finishing with an eagle on Sunday for a check of $244,800 that represented job security.

Bubba is the reason Tiger went to graphite?

Huh, wonder why Tiger's never credited him? Shameful Tiger, shameful.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hey Geoff--according to the erudite and purveyour of "little 9 iron" Ian Baker Finch, golf is all about the big hitters.. That is why the people come out..

Bubba Watson is not a freak.. He will become the norm and no one is worried..

As a friend of mine said when he dumped his galpal-- Its OVVVVVAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! in NY parlance..The game is finally done especially when I see Mighty Mouse who is smaller than Tuco (I like my 3rd person speech very Ricky Henderson-esque) is hitting 300 yard drives. But hey, Sluman is working out!

The Future of Golf will now be destined as an ancient classic.

Tennis Anyone?
01.19.2006 | Unregistered CommenterTuco
Well I'm going to go watch Bubba just to see how much roll he is getting, and I know a lot of die hard golfers will be out watching him.

But why doesn't it translate to ratings and bigger galleries? Everything is down across the board.

01.19.2006 | Registered CommenterGeoff

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