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"In June 2007, Lincoln's only fairway mower broke."

LincolnParkpostcardDan De Vries, Eden Anderson and Richard Harris authored a San Francisco Chronicle op-ed column on the latest at Lincoln Park, where the city and residents are battling over the course's future. I can't imagine why it's in poor shape:

Lincoln Park, the city's oldest and most scenic golf course, is Exhibit "A" for the need to change the public golf course maintenance status quo. Lincoln's fairways are a patchwork of gopher mounds, leaky-sprinkler-fed bogs, and brown patches where the water has been shut off to stop leaks. In June 2007, Lincoln's only fairway mower broke. Instead of repairing or replacing it, the Recreation & Park Department mowed the fairways infrequently all summer with a narrow, slow, trim mower, leaving grass so tall that the fairways became indistinguishable from the roughs. After rain, Lincoln's fairways become waterlogged and inhospitable both to golfers and mowers, due to poor drainage system. The quaint, 1920s clubhouse is dilapidated, its public rooms empty, food service minimal and the bathrooms dank. The pro shop and restaurant have been on a month-to-month lease for more than five years, discouraging the concessionaire from making needed repairs. It is more than coincidence that the number of annual rounds declined from 55,000 in 2002-03 to 35,000 in 2005-06, the last year for which complete figures are available. So far as we are aware, the city has no current cost estimates for the needed infrastructure repairs.
And this was disturbing...
Why is this happening? Between the Recreation and Park Department, the Board of Supervisors, and the Mayor's Office, no clear statement has been made of the city's intentions at Lincoln. But one thing is perfectly clear. Lincoln is extremely valuable property, as it adjoins the exclusive Seacliff neighborhood. When neglected or abused, such property becomes target for developers. And thus civic birthrights are lost. At Lincoln, there is an ironic twist to this old story: a so-called friend of public parks, San Francisco Neighborhood Parks Council, is calling for construction of an "event center" on Lincoln's famous 17th hole. No details have been released, but an "event center" inevitably means building complexes, roads, parking facilities, congestion, noise and traffic. And all of this in the middle of the famous view of the Golden Gate now enjoyed not only by golfers, but also neighbors, strollers, schoolchildren, bikers, motorists, dog-walkers, birders, museum-goers, not to mention visitors from around the world.

A shame the PGA Tour, which is using nearby Harding Park, can't step in and offer the city some assistance. Then again, maybe some of the city don't want any help. The worse it gets, the less it makes and as the columnists note, the more willing people are to accept redevelopment.  

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Reader Comments (14)

Welcome to state of American golf. You'll be hearing the "market forces at work" garbage more frequently in the tough economic conditions to come. This will become a major issue Geoff. Many of our little gems are being plucked around the country... with barely a murmur from anybody. In fact, that PGA Tour and Czar Finchem stood by and watched the most historic course in Florida... the Ponce De Leon Golf Links...NOT 25 mins. by car from the headquarters...get whored out for development. The ground was awesome! A small group of folks fought like hell to save it... NOBODY cared. This 1916 (same year the PGA was founded),Donald Ross design was: a links course in the main, history out the wazoo, had superb marshland and coastal environs, endangered wood storks and manatees using it regularly to feed... didn't matter! The USGA, PGA, PGA TOUR, LPGA Tour and Florida State Golf Association all knew it was at risk....and DID NOTHING to save it...criminal. The PGA Tour was happy to see it go...less competition for their over priced Slammer/Squire and Arnie/Jack tracks. Plus, wouldn't you rather go to their sterile, contrived World Golf Hall of Fame instead of teeing it up on the real, living golf history that was the Ponce! You wrote an excellent article a while back, encouraging architects and others to give back and help underfunded, worthy restoration projects that needed help. I know your cohort,Gil Hanse, has done some work on Cobb's Old in Phila. Have any others stepped up, to your knowledge? An organization, to promote identifying, listing and working to retain threatened courses of import seems long overdue! Sadly,if it hasn't hosted a recent's expendable... is the mantra of many. Apathy is at an all-time high; greed and profit trump common sense in preserving these useful, open spaces.More, significant courses will continue to be lost...remember, even a Pine Valley can't compete with the profit of some high-end development being built on it's ground, Don't laugh... back in the day nobody ever thought a Lido would be no more either.
10.24.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSir Real
Something is grossly wrong if they're doing 35,000 rounds a year there and they can't afford a fairway mower. There are no real estate taxes being deducted from the gross revenues -- so where is all that money going? Inflated salaries? Ghost payrollers? Employee theft? Diversion to other parks programs?

BTW, I would have no faith in any study done by the city.

Holy crap. Instead of expending rhetoric and lamenting the conditions and the overall degradation of the facility, San Francisco's newspaper columnists ought to get off their asses and FIND OUT WHY.

THAT is what journalists do.

And the PGA Tour should keep its nose out of this.

10.24.2007 | Unregistered CommenterFour-putt
Couldn't they have borrowed a fairway mower from nearby Harding Park?

Speaking of Cobb's Creek, I played there recently and notwithstanding Hanse's recent remedial work on 2 or 3 flood damaged holes, the course needs so much work-tees, bunkers, fairways and greens all need TLC. A new irrigation system is needed. The famous 3rd hole(very similar to the 11th a Merion East) is a disaster. The green needs to be rebuilt entirely.The course should be closed for at least a year. The problem is politics. Unlike, SF, the city does not maintain the course. A lessee does and any proposal for renovation must be approved by the city. Unfortunately, the city will say they don't have the money.It's a vicious circle unless outside money- corporate, USGA, PGA and/or local golf associations chip in to save this course which was one of the most popular munis in America years ago.

Phoenix just turned over Papago to the AZ Golf Association who will manage the course and move their corporate HQ there and close the course next April for about 8 months and spend 8M to renovate this once very popular muni which, by the way, is in much better shape than Cobb's Creek.
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSteven T.
Correction, the deal in Phoenix is not a done deal. See Bill Huffman's article:
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSteven T.
booo hooo, babies. Now you know how the Earth feels, having been whored out by golf course developers for years. Played any swamp courses lately? Heathland courses? Estuary courses? Amazing how golf course builders can have variances applied to push through their developments. It would serve golf right if it lost Lincoln Park!!
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterRonald Montesano

Would it serve "golf" right if the same thing happened to all the munis in Buffalo? Let's turn Grover Cleveland GC into a Wal-Mart.

This isn't a "tit for tat" situation.
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSteven T.
The state of municipally owned and operated golf here in Chicago could be instructive to the folks in SF, if anyone there actually cares. We have a number of facilities which are owned by the Park District or Forest Preserve District whose neglect and inability to properly maintain some wonderful golf courses was leading to their ruin. The Forest Preserve National (renamed after a former County Board chairman) course is one of the best municipally owned tracks I have ever played, but its condition became abysmal because the course was run by political hacks hired by the County. In the past three years, the maintenance of county courses has been privatized, and Billy Casper Golf now runs the County's courses (Kemper Golf has take over the Chicago Park District courses). I do not know how much, if any, income is created for the taxpayers by this privatization, but the condition of George Dunne is being vastly upgraded now that the politicians are no longer in control -- we also don't face the problem of prime tee times being held for judges and deputy sheriffs.

Just a thought for the folks in SF -- I'm sure that there are enough golf course management companies out there who would be willing to bid on taking over.
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSmolmania
Well, a couple of months ago they wanted to turn it into soccer fields, which need mowers too.

An events center will never happen - the Seacliff folks are fed up with the traffic on weekends as is.
Lincoln is a dump and it always has been. The only redeeming qualities are the view from the 17th and as a place for beginners to learn the game.

As for the Tour helping, when they renegotiated with the City after overbooking the WGC's, part of the new President's Cup deal was to dedicate one million towards the renovation of Lincoln. However, that was going to be at the expense of the First Tee...guess we know who won that.
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterNRH
Smols, when Kemper took over the Chicago Park District courses in 1993 they (five 9-holers, one 18-holer and a driving range) were being subsidized by the taxpayers to the tune of $1.5 million to $2 million a year. They were crap, with asphalt tees and hardpan or dirt fairways.

Not only did privatization vastly improve the conditions to where they looked and played like real golf courses again, at the end of the first year despite all the money spent on capital improvements (first act: blow up the asphalt tees) Kemper turned over $500,000 in profits to the city.

In a nutshell: better course conditions, no more $2 million financial drain, $500,000 profit to taxpayers.

Think there was any employee theft and ghost payrolling when the courses were run by the city? The Chi Park Dist for years has been the summertime catch basin for "privileged" youth (family members and neighbors of the politically-connected) for no-show or light duty, well-paying jobs.

Kudos to Kemper for cleaning it all up.

10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterFour-putt
They also wanted to convert a portion of it to a skate board park; now that will preserve the natural beauty, won't it? It would be political suicide for the mayor or any supervisor to encourage more public spending on the course; Ron's comments would be considered support for the course. On of the local weeklies did a hatchet piece on Sandy Tatum and Harding Park; that article reflects the attitude of many here, sadly.

I have a picture from the 1930s of the tee featured in the postcard in Geoff's post. While the spans of the Golden Gate are there, the roadway is not completed. I hate to think that this historical spot is even being considered for a concrete event center. I feel particularly sentimental about it, as I received my engagement ring at that tee.
10.25.2007 | Unregistered Commentercardinal
Lincoln has been in poor condition since at least the early 80's...when I started playing there.
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterKevin
Amen PK, and I would bet my next paycheck that Billy Casper Golf has had a similar experience with the Forest Preserve District's courses -- I'm fairly certain that they don't have jobs for lesbian lovers who are servicing the chairman of the County Board (as was the case with George Dunne. . . a personal hero btw, 75 years old and he need two of them!).
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSmolmania
The last time I played there, Arnold Palmer Golf was managing the Presidio Golf Course. And doing a good job. The Presidio has its own drainage problems, but it has facilities that are positively glittering in comparison to Lincoln Park.
The ONLY difference is private sector versus public sector management. And the comparsion is as shocking as it is clear.
Lincoln Park is by no means a perfect layout. But it has a handful of beautiful holes, and it is absolutely deserving of better care and maintenance.
Surely, the municipal versus commercial management issue has to be a huge embarassment to the loyal defenders of the public sector in San Francisco.
I'd play Lincoln Park happily once a week if it were maintained properly.
(By the way, I remember what Harding Park was like 2 or 3 years before they began that restoration. There were no fairways to speak of. It was all the same cut, everywhere. Grass that got mowed, sometimes. Greens that Stimped at about 5 feet. With a damp, dank, depressing, garage-like clubhouse. The common thread between Harding and Lincoln Park Golf Courses? San Francisco city government.
10.25.2007 | Unregistered CommenterChuck
What a GAY view of the bay, would make wonderful home sites!
10.27.2007 | Unregistered CommenterJesse

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