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"My God. If you need a rah-rah speech to play the Ryder Cup, you've got some serious issues."

34259137.jpgYou gotta love Fred Couples.

Talking about his desire to be a Ryder Cup captain, quoted by Thomas Bonk in the LA Times:

"I can promise you there are 12 guys who don't want to do 75% of the stuff. My goal would be to slough some of the stuff off."

Couples said his first move would be to appoint Michael Jordan and Robin Williams as assistant captains.

"I would have Michael Jordan tell stories every single night and I would have Robin Williams tell jokes for 30 minutes. That's what I want," he said. "I don't want a rah-rah speech. My God. If you need a rah-rah speech to play the Ryder Cup, you've got some serious issues.

"If we lose, we lose because we lose, but I can promise you we'd have a good time."

Furyk raised an eyebrow when he heard Couples' choices as assistants. But he had no problem with the potential candidacy of Couples, who has played on five Ryder Cup teams and four Presidents Cup teams.

"Anyone with that kind of passion, I think Freddie would do a good job," he said.


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Reader Comments (11)

So now we know why Michael Jordan was on Tom Kite's cart at Valderrama!
12.13.2007 | Unregistered CommenterHawkeye
Freddies point is a good one.The American squad needs to relax and have fun, together as a team.
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterAdam Clayman
Robin Williams' riff on golf -- runs about 10 minutes -- is probably out there in cyberspace somewhere. If you haven't seen it, find it. Brutally funny.
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSmolmania
In case you haven't seen it. Here is a link to Williams' riff on golf. Warning, NSFW language:
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterJohnV
I find the inclusion of Jordan and Williams a bit extreme, but like Freddie's approach. The Onward Christian Soldiers tack is played out.
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterTighthead
I agree with Tighthead. No more bible-bangers as captain.
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterChema
Isn't the Ryder Cup captainship the most overrated job in sports?

12.14.2007 | Unregistered Commentermikeblake
A captain should do whatever it takes to get FIGJAM off his ass...
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterJackM
"A captain should do whatever it takes to get FIGJAM off his ass... "

Cattle prods are legal now? Wouldn't that be "performance enhancing?"
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterJason
Won't Fred's Assistant be Joe LaCava? That's the guy who usually makes most of Fred's decisions, isn't it?
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterChuck
Freddie's too soft. They'd lose again.

Give me Dave Stockton every time!

"War on the shore!"

"War on the shore!"

Maybe I'll amend that, 'cause Zinger will be fine.
12.14.2007 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Blabbie

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