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Images of Griffith Park

Colorized view of a historic Griffith Park clubhouse photo by Tom Naccarato (click to enlarge)
I'll be out all day but just as a follow up to my L.A. Times commentary proposing a restoration of George Thomas's Griffith Park designs, here are a few images to enjoy.

Besides Tom Naccarato's enhancement of a historic clubhouse image (left), I've also included one from opening day and an aerial view of the course in 1929.


Willie Hunger, George Thomsa, Ed Tufts, Paul Hunters and W.P. Johnson on opening day
Griffith Park's courses in February, 1929


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Reader Comments (5)

Wow, did the arborists go nutz!

Watching an old episode of "Celebrity Golf" from Behr's Lakeside, I sensed the same arborists over-involvement.

What a pity.

Great Images and a worthy cause for a city counsel that needs something positive.
04.10.2007 | Unregistered Commenteradam
Geoff, Any chance you would donate your time as lead archie?
04.10.2007 | Unregistered Commenteradam
Naturally, I'm willing to do what is necessary to make it happen.
04.10.2007 | Unregistered CommenterGeoff
There is no doubt that corporate involvement(even in return for corporate sponsorship or naming rights or signage) is necessary to revive Griffith Park and Cobbs Creek in Philadelphia as the municipal governments just don't have the money and/or political motivation to do the job.
04.11.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSteven T.
Steven T.

You're only partly correct. It os about the money. Only most muni's don't charge enough to make any. Ergo, there isn't the political will to pull it out of the general fund coffers. If muni's would charge a small ($1-$2/rnd) Capital Expenditure fee and escrow that, after 5 yrs they would have enough set aside to do some major retoration work. Now, try to convience the cheap bastards who monopolize (and are usually the biggest bitchers) to cough up the dough. Hope you make out of the parking lot alive.
04.12.2007 | Unregistered CommenterTim

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