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  • Grounds for Golf: The History and Fundamentals of Golf Course Design
    Grounds for Golf: The History and Fundamentals of Golf Course Design
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  • The Art of Golf Design
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    by Michael Miller, Geoff Shackelford
  • The Future of Golf: How Golf Lost Its Way and How to Get It Back
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Torrey Pines Here We...Sit In Gridlock

According to Golf World's John Strege, we might as well leave now if we want to see the weekend rounds at Torrey Pines for next year's U.S. Open. The culprit? The San Diego County Fair and oh, the fact that we have about 10 million too many residents.

The USGA is trying to work out a compromise with the fairgrounds, which has as a negotiating chip--12,000 parking places the USGA covets. At this stage the two sides are at a stalemate; neither can reschedule its event, though the fair is willing to delay its start--for a price.

"We would give them seven days of parking and start the fair a little late, but we would be making a huge concession," Fennell said. "We would have to be kept whole financially."

Fennell noted if the fair forfeited its opening weekend, lost revenues would exceed $800,000, a sum the USGA steadfastly refuses to pay, according to Bevacqua. Fennell argues the USGA could recoup its investment by charging for parking. He also pointed that giving up the USGA presidential jet would also help cover the cost while also allowing the organization to restore the recently reduced staff benefits.

 Just checking to see if you were reading! I of course, am responsible for that last sentence.


The USGA offers free parking and already has an arrangement to use Qualcomm Stadium (home of the San Diego Chargers) for parking.

"We're not overly concerned about it," Bevacqua said. "But we have every intention of working with the fair, and if we could work a compromise, that's our hope."


Uh, forget the fair. Have these people ever seen the 5 on a Saturday? Not pretty. 


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Reader Comments (6)

Scroom! Give RJ a call up in Monterey, he'll have Pebble ready in no time.
04.26.2007 | Unregistered Commenteradam
"He also pointed that giving up the USGA presidential jet would also help cover the cost while also allowing the organization to restore the recently reduced staff benefits.

Just checking to see if you were reading! I of course, am responsible for that last sentence."


I think it's harder to fool us with that "quote" than you may think, Geoff. I for one barely batted an eyelid when I read it.

Consider that on America's principal tour, after all, Craig Barlow can fail to win all year in 2006, making the top 10 no more than twice in just 15 tournaments and still walk away with a million bucks in prize money.

Extrapolate this bloated meritocracy and why shouldn't the game's administrators have a jet? Hell, the USGA's office cleaner probably drives a Bentley.
04.27.2007 | Unregistered CommenterJeff Prest
yet another example of why the usga should return to bethpage more frequently and drop torrey pines.
04.27.2007 | Unregistered Commenterbob
An Open next to the County Fair = Battle of the Tents Trey Holland will declare the ferris wheel a TIO and Elk can donate his spikes to the guys working the high wire.

This is a perfect excuse for Driver LLC to take Air Far Hills across the pond on a fact finding mission to see the R&A barristers throw on their wigs and strong arm the peasants who run Pleasureland whenever the Open goes to Lytham. However, Carnies don't buy Titleists and P.T. Barnum would have objected to AMEX's merchant fee.

04.27.2007 | Unregistered CommenterNRH
45,000 is too damn many people at a golf course.

Give me Merion, 1971, Nicklaus-Trevino, and 13,000 fans.

Golf was still right back then.
04.27.2007 | Unregistered CommenterTuna
Perhaps this is why the USGA has listed the "Vance House" property adjoining Golf House with a Far Hills Realtor for $2,800,000 (see USGA web site for details and click on the link to the local realtor's listing).

But what will they do with the remaining $2,000,000?
04.27.2007 | Unregistered CommenterJDA

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