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It's Official: Ryder Cuppers Leave Your 420 At Home!

They better not be lighting up or popping the wrong pills or eating 8 lb. chickens in those Ryder Cup team rooms, according to Steve Elling. 

PGA of America communications director Julius Mason told that, "if a player is found guilty of the policy prior to, or during, the Ryder Cup, then any points won would be taken away and the result of the match adjusted accordingly."

In the event of a close match, that could make the difference between winning and losing the cup.

European Tour commissioner George O'Grady said earlier this week in England that testing is definitely on the docket for the Ryder Cup and the PGA Championship, which both are administered by the PGA of America.

"We will make this decision in conjunction with the PGA Tour for the PGA Championship and jointly with Ryder Cup Europe for the Ryder Cup, with the tests to be administered by Drug Free Sport, which is the administrator of the PGA Tour's program," Mason said. "We believe this helps achieve a consistency in the testing protocol for men's golf in America and allows the PGA of America to concentrate its full attention on the competition itself."

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Reader Comments (2)

i think they should test all team members, including captains, vice captains, and robin williams if he shows up.
05.23.2008 | Unregistered Commenterthusgone
i also think that when they start testing on the tour that they should test all the decision-makers as well, starting with finchem and his army of vps.

if the rationale is that the game is too important to not test, than it also applies to those who make the decisions.
05.23.2008 | Unregistered Commenterthusgone

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