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USGA Going "Soft"

Steve McClellan in AdWeek reports on where all the USGA's money going: a new $10 million ad campaign (could this mean the hole-in-one ad has been laid to rest?).

The campaign was developed by Omnicom's Fathom Communications, New York, which won the account in April after a review that included Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners. Incumbent BBDO did not defend.
Did not defend?
In addition to the new commercials, directed by Academy Award-winning director Errol Morris (Fog of War), the campaign will utilize online, direct mail and experiential components.

The spots (with voiceovers by actor Ed Burns) are designed to soften the game's elitist image and demonstrate that anyone can play. In one ad, kids are shown playing.

 Oh, highly original!

 In another a couple is playing a round and it's the woman who has the handicap, not her male partner.

 You go girl!

But while everyday folks are featured instead of the celebrity-laden spots featured previously, the "For the good of the game" tagline, developed by BBDO, remains.

Thank God! What would we do without it.
Peter Groome, president of Fathom Communications, said. "Our focus for the USGA is to develop a complete communications plan that will create a stronger connection between golfers and the USGA at all points of contact and well beyond their most visible medium, television."

 Is this web site a point of contact?

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Reader Comments (3)

Please tell me the hole-in-one commercial is going to survive. It make me feel good every time it's on.
06.11.2008 | Unregistered CommenterKenoneputt
As Ben Wright would say about the woman with the handicap, it's her boobs. :-)
06.11.2008 | Unregistered Commenteriacas
I'm with Ken OP - that HIO commercial is the 'feel-good' winner of all time...
Saw the couple commercial...weak....maybe they shoulda spent the $10 mill on more HIO commercials featuring couples, women and kids....
Can I get a consulting fee for that suggestion?

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