"Since I was given to understand the actual collection procedure was where the technician may be in imminent danger of being shot in unmentionable places by Frank Lickliter II..."
Jim Moriarty submits himself to a drug test, does his best to fail, but isn't faced with the horror that Tour players are howling about: drug technician supervision in the loo.
Reader Comments (6)
filling a cup with some authority monitoring you is pretty much the second biggest invasion of privacy a person can suffer, and that doesn't even factor in nerves and uncertainty based on what might be found (and please spare me the "if he did nothing wrong he has nothing to fear trope"; although they have a pretty good idea what will cause false positives, the list is not exhaustive and there is ALWAYS the chance of a mistake that takes away a guy's livelihood and reputation).
i can't imagine having to do that with a cop standing there watching over my shoulder. i sympathize with the tour players and everyone else who has to go through with this kind of big brother stuff.
Golfers need to quit whinging and start saying things like:
"unfortunately, these days every athlete is presumed to be guilty of using HGH or steroids. So in order to preserve golf's highly cherished reputation for integrity, we must lead the way on drug testing. Also, we must set an example for young golfers who may attempt shortcuts."
When he comes back, not only will Phil and everyone else have to deal with the story line of him being the next Ben Hogan and Casey Martin rolled into one, his renewed hunger to play and dominate once again, but that he will have the advantage of taking and using all the banned substances legally in preparation to do so!
Somebody up there REALLY likes him... ;)