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“To be honest, I don’t think to this day I will ever in my life do an interview with her"

And you think the men are overly-sensitive when it comes to Johnny Miller's comments, check out the Laura Diaz-Dottie Pepper spat over the "chokin freakin dogs" comment from nearly a year ago. Beth Ann Baldry reports:

The row between Pepper, Diaz and the rest of Team USA started during last year’s Solheim Cup when Pepper referred to U.S. players as “chokin’ freakin’ dogs” on air Saturday afternoon when she thought the broadcast had gone to commercial break.
“To be honest, I don’t think to this day I will ever in my life do an interview with her,” said Diaz, who sits two shots off the lead midway through the second round. “It really affected me, and Solheim wasn’t a time to talk about it.”
“The way Laura has chosen to handle the situation publicly is really disappointing,” Pepper said via e-mail Aug. 1. “I hope her heart will at some point recognize the comment was not personal, highly emotional and certainly never meant to be heard over the air. I have made myself available to her, but she has chosen not to talk, scream at me or whatever else she feels she needs to do for her peace of mind.”
Diaz said Pepper bruised her heart more than anything else. Pepper dated Diaz’s older brother, Ron, for two years in college. This was personal.
“Dottie was a family member to me,” Diaz said, “and I don’t even see her as a friend anymore.”
Double oy...get over it Laura.

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Reader Comments (9)

Yeah, get over it. Although Dottie's gotta be dyin'...letting that comment slip out when the cameras were rolling has to be one of the all-time ultimate foot in mouth moments of golf broadcast history. Not that she wasn't right, but man oh man, Johnny Miller usually has some degree of filtration between brain and mouth, such that it might have come out "these guys are really feelin' the pressure...must have cotton mouth for sure..." rather than calling them choking dogs. Eesh.
08.1.2008 | Unregistered Commenter86general
Too many softies these days.
08.1.2008 | Unregistered CommenterRock
Dottie Pepper should fade to black...

08.1.2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric Stratton
Dottie was riight. Can't wait to see what she says about Rich Harvest Farms.
08.1.2008 | Unregistered CommenterGolden Bell
Laura is the most petulant brats I ever had to deal with on the LPGA Tour ... and that is saying something.
08.1.2008 | Unregistered Commenterscott
The real "oy" is Pepper getting that emotional over the Solheim Cup in the first place!!
08.1.2008 | Unregistered Commenterjason
Welcome to Exhibit A as to why women's professional golf is a joke. Really? Get over yourself Laura. As a former professional athlete, I can attest to the fact that any athlete knows when they did and did not choke - they choked. By the way, let's remember that part of the ONLY reason the LPGA has money to play for is TV contracts. Try not to bite the only hand that feeds you...
08.1.2008 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Cacacaaaattttt Fight!!!!!!!!--Cosmo Kramer

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