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  • Grounds for Golf: The History and Fundamentals of Golf Course Design
    Grounds for Golf: The History and Fundamentals of Golf Course Design
    by Geoff Shackelford
  • The Art of Golf Design
    The Art of Golf Design
    by Michael Miller, Geoff Shackelford
  • The Future of Golf: How Golf Lost Its Way and How to Get It Back
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    Sleeping Bear Press
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  • The Captain: George C. Thomas Jr. and His Golf Architecture
    The Captain: George C. Thomas Jr. and His Golf Architecture
    by Geoff Shackelford
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"After missing and putting out, Garcia gave Harrington the quickest of handshakes, Woods/Mickelson style..."

Golf World's Jaime Diaz dissects Sergio's PGA Championship mistakes and offers this observation of note:

Garcia's profound disappointment was probably best registered by a complete lack of acknowledgement for the putt that beat him. As Harrington celebrated, the Spaniard stayed in a crouch ostensibly reading the green. After missing and putting out, Garcia gave Harrington the quickest of handshakes, Woods/Mickelson style, telling because Garcia would later give fellow runner-up Ben Curtis a warm hug. The two Europeans clearly have a cool relationship, chilled considerably by the desperate hours at Carnoustie. There, after Harrington hit his drive on the 72nd into the Barry Burn, he passed a perhaps inappropriately smiling Garcia (who was playing the 71st hole) on a bridge. "I was in no mood to smile," Harrington said later. Then on the final hole of the playoff -- again the trouble-laden 18th -- Harrington was preparing to address his tee shot with a two-stroke lead when he found it necessary to ask Garcia to give him more room.
Let's hope the warm chemistry continues at Valhalla!

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Reader Comments (2)

Those kind of things happen every 20 sec. in a pick-up basketball game. Prima donnas. The quick hand shake was glaring in brevity. At least put on a show for the world. Guess they won't be paired in the Ryder Cup.
08.13.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLynn S.
He has officially become the Monty of his generation. One sit-down with Rafael Nadal would wipe that pretentiousness right off his mug...Seve/Ollie sure haven't gotten through. Lots of crickets at Camp Utley.
08.13.2008 | Unregistered CommenterNRH

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