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The IOC And PGA of America Present...

Scott Michaux pitches his suggestion for handling golf in the Olympics. It's creative, bold and just nutty enough to be worth considering. Even the PGA of America's Joe Steranka didn't completely shoot it down, even though it would mean taking the PGA every four years and making it, oh, eons more exciting and worldly than it is now.

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Reader Comments (8)

Let's be real old fashioned and make the Olympic Golf event an amateur event.

Federer-Nadal at the 2008 Beiging Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Sanyo, who-the-hell-ever Olympics ain't gonna be any Wimbledon, I can tell you that.

What's teh Olympics going to add to gol and what is golf going to add to the Olympics?

Zilch, nada, null, nein, zip, zero, nuttin'.

Golf doesn't need "the Olympics" except for the Lake and Ocean courses for the occasional USGA Amateur.
08.14.2008 | Unregistered CommenterBillV
That's actually a clever idea, but hard to see the PGA of America ever leaving the U.S. even if they made more money.
08.14.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatty
Here is an idea to see if the Olympics are about sport or money. Simply award the medal to the players with the lowest score for all four majors. Amatuers would be allowed to compete in PGA if they had made all the cuts YTD.
08.14.2008 | Unregistered Commenterpaboy
Is there any reason that golf and tennis should be olympic sports, other than money. The world's best meet numerous times each year. If a golfer or tennis player wants to be in the olympics, let them learn team handball....
08.14.2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug
Why not just combine the Rider Cup and the President's Cup and make that the Olympic event.
08.14.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAustin
Why not just combine the Rider Cup and the President's Cup and make that the Olympic event.
08.14.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAustin
I've got it, by jove!

Do it like a proper member-guest.

Flight everyone in a cute sounding named flight such as Pine Valley, Winged Foot, Sunningdale, Royal Melbourne, Durban and Sigtunabygdens.

Then everyone plays a nine-hole match against the others in their flight and the flight winners are re-paired do the same.

Everyone can have a ₤50 bet three ways in each match and keep it interesting.

Or maybe not an Olympics Golf event at all at all at all.
08.15.2008 | Unregistered CommenterCurmudgeon

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