Bryce And Briny Show Ends With Bryce Turning Into A World Class Curler
It was one of the great finishes of 2011, with CordeValle's driveable 17th adding to last year's mystique. But as thrilling as the Open six-hole playoff was, I just can't get very excited about Bryce Molder's win over Briny Baird after watching Molder pat down the line of his sixth-playoff hole winning putt.
Before you send your hate mail, understand I'm well aware that there are ballmarks on the PGA Tour and he's entitled to fix them, but anyone watching live who is not Molder's instructor, immediate family or Chairman of the Briny Baird Hate Club, winced at the sight of him turning into a curler, patting a large area and not (at least while cameras were on him) having been seen using a handtool to fix a mark.
Some who watched live saw no foul, others laughed out loud at the audacity of the act. But, we can't watch a replay so you'll have to picture a young man with a short putt to win a golf tournament using his nice big putter head to pat down a ballmark the size of a cereal bowl!
You can also watch a Golf Channel replay at 8 a.m. PT, 11 a.m. ET Monday, according to listings.
There you have it. Bryce Molder wins. Jeff Rude has the details.
Here are the highlights from ESPN, which include talk of the Tiger fan incident:
Reader Comments (21)
In curling, the sweeping with brooms/brushes is done to make the rock SPEED UP and straighten the out/in-turn spin so as to "curl" your rock around other rocks, so the curling analogy to what Molder did is tenuous at best. Pros have been tamping down big areas ever since the abolition of spike marks...after all isn't everything on the greens now fixable?
Flat/hard ice is no fun to curl just end up mostly trying to ram (or rather "take out") the other rocks and try not to break an ankle before beer/nachos/hockey-game time.
It'd be a brave Rules Official who'd call him out on it, though.
The playoff was compelling TV not really competing with football, it will be interesting to see ratings. Bryce's 3 drivers into 17 were unbelievable under pressure. I was wondering if they would have gone back to 17 if he hadn't made the putt to win, or would they have waited until today?