Davis And His Co-Captain Begin Arduous Task Of Selecting Just The Right Golf Bag
Edgar Thompson reports on Davis Love's visit to Palm Beach Gardens and PGA headquarters to kick off his Ryder Cup captaincy. Or, his and hers captaincy.
Love and his wife, Robin, met with PGA officials to begin the exhaustive planning process that will lead all the way up to the 2012 matches at Chicago's Medinah Country Club.
"I'm really excited about this day because this really launches Robin's and my captaincy," Love said.
"We have to start making decisions on what the bags are going to look like."
Just keep an eye out for any extra stitching.
Reader Comments (31)
Bill Maher was right. Its the feminzation of the American Male. Stand up, for God's sake MAN!
I am certainly biased here, but mine and Robin's captaincy???? WOW
Calc should be the permanent captain. He certainly wouldn't overthink it, as they all have done for the past 20 years, and instead of letting his wife choose a golf bag, he makes her CARRY it. Beautiful.
Good luck to them both: divorce has been stemmed from far less.
On the other hand, TW was selecting bags alone, and that did not work out too well.
When I was playing we were lucky to share a room.
This is too much.
Good luck.
The Cohen Brothers are the only ones allowed to be co-captains.
The seeds of yet another American Ryder Cup failure are being sewn ... or is it stitched???
Jack needs to be permanent captain for all US team events. His strategy is cunning and it doesn't even include Pods: "Tell me who you want to play with and go play."
On Wednesday of Ryder Cup week there was a gala dinner at the Fox theatre in Detroit. It was a big show with lots of entertainment, but to be honest I tried to get out of going. Star-studded events like that are not for me, and I also wanted to save my energy for the long days ahead. So I told M.G. Orender, then the president of the PGA of America, that if it were all the same to him, I'd rather stay in the hotel and rest. M.G. was having none of it.
"We've put in a lot of expense putting this thing together, Jackie," he said. "Your tuxedo cost $1,500."
I gulped. "I guess I'm going," I said.
Those tuxedos were one of the reasons we lost. The opulence surrounding the Ryder Cup was staggering, and the tuxes were symbols of that. From the moment we landed in Detroit, we were feted with lavish gifts, world-class entertainment and all manner of personal attention. My clothing alone probably cost $10,000. the captains, co-captains and players each got three suits, five pairs of slacks, a jacket, four pairs of shoes, cashmere sweaters and a bunch of short-and long-sleeve alpaca sweaters.
That was just for starters...
THERE CAME A MOMENT WHEN I knew we might be in serious trouble. Our team was provided with game room that had Ping-Pong and all sorts of video games. The players loved spending time there. One of the machines simulated car racing. As our guys took turns driving the "car," squealing with delight, something told me this was just wrong. I closed my eyes and imagined Ben Hogan sitting at the car-racing game, his hat turned around backward, giggling and shouting to Arnold Palmer, who was waiting his turn.
What a nightmare. When I opened my eyes, I felt like unplugging those damned machines and sending the players to their rooms.
"Insertion of wives"? I thought this post was about the "inclusion of wives."
Maybe there is more than just Playstation and ping pong going on in the games room.
Lisa drove the PGA staff crazy and they had to put up with her to no end and no avail because they answer to the club pro officer/members of the PGA of America who actually select the RC Capt and it seems now his better half.
probably doesn't care for you being on the computer so much either.