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The Donald Lists His Properties Amongst Cypress, Winged Foot's Of World

The best part of Golf Digest's America's Best coverage (other than the incredible iPad edition that lets you see each course from above), is the package of letters from golf dignitaries and well known blowhards listing their top 10 American courses. The Donald's will give you a hearty chuckle, especially when you see our future former almost presidential candidate place Cypress Point and Oakmont on either side of Trump National LA. A course which, incidentally, The Donald is putting out feelers for suggestions on how to fix the mess (he) helped make.?

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Reader Comments (25)

Pure. Class.
04.20.2011 | Unregistered CommenterCharlieG
We're gonna see what happens.

Trump has buried himself from any chance, as if he was acually serious to begin with,
04.20.2011 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
The lists are for their favorite courses, not their choices for the best (although for most those are probably similar lists). If it was best, Annika's ranking of Lake Nona at #3 would also deserve mockery.
04.20.2011 | Unregistered CommenterEric
Maybe he is still begging for invitations to Pine Valley, Riviera, Shinnecock Hills, NGLA, Sand Hills, LA North etc. ;-)

Until then he needs to fill out his list to get to ten - hence the "filler"
04.20.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
Not a Trump defender, but @ Eric is right, question asked for "Favorite" course, not "Best or Greatest" course. I think the fact that Trump owns and was responsibie for the creation of these courses makes it fairly natural/normal for him to pick them. He probably should have been asked to exclude, similar to the architects exclusion. Btw, @Marky Mark, I have 0 doubts that he has been invited to play every single course in America, including those you have listed. Bay Hill was on Arnold's list - are Trumps courses less quality than Bay Hill ? how about Lake Nona ?
04.20.2011 | Unregistered CommenterBrianS
Oh really, he hasn't had invites to play every single course in America? Jeez, thanks for clarifying that.
04.20.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
I didn't know Annika owned Lake Nona
04.20.2011 | Unregistered CommenterCharlieG
I'm well aware of what the lists are about. No where in the post did I say Donald was declaring this the greatest ten. And since when is anything The Donald does defensible?
04.20.2011 | Registered CommenterGeoff
Brian S
You're making this way too easy...Do you really believe that Riviera, L.A. North, Sand Hills, etc. have invited the Trumpster to play their courses??? Really?? Every single course in America has extended an invitation ?? Please!!
04.20.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMeatloaf
Surprised Johnny didn't pick Oakmont as his #1. Heard he played a good round there once. I was also surprised at how many times Harbour Town showed up on the lists.
04.21.2011 | Unregistered Commenterbeagle
Best part of that was seeing the various letterheads!
04.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterEdward
It must be so.
The Donald has spoken.
04.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterCanuck
It seems that each list has an entry that is based on something other than the quality of the course. For instance, does Els like Congressional because of the course or because of his U.S. Open win there?
04.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterKen Johnston
When I saw this list I was disappointed, not at the easily-anticipated self-promoting predictability of Trump's monotonous choices, but the fact that, among a host of accomplished names in golf, the vessel that is Trump's ego was actually CHOSEN. Surveying the list of greats who have actually ACHIEVED noteable heights in the game is only tainted when Golf Digest abandons all judgement and includes a mere real estate developer on the list, one well-known for placing himself above all others. We should be surprised that the publication extended the invitation to the thick-fingered vulgarian, not that he jumped at the chance to -- once again -- say "LOOK AT MEEEE!"
04.21.2011 | Unregistered Commenterbenseattle
well said benseattle
04.21.2011 | Unregistered Commenterchicago pt
Oh Ernie. Bear's Club #10 and no Cypress!
04.21.2011 | Unregistered Commenterreef
"I sent investigators to these courses and you wouldn't believe what they found! But I won't tell you."
04.21.2011 | Unregistered Commenterpasaplayer
I have actually played one of the courses listed, granted when I was 13 years old! That DLIII is a real comedian sometimes.
I played Trump National in LA a couple weeks. On that trip we played 7 courses. Trump wasn't even top 3.

It is a good, but not even remotely great course. It has amazing views, some good holes and was in good shape (the greens were a bit grainy). It also is incredibly hard from the back, it wears you the hell out and it's goofy in a lot of ways. It's not worth the price (even at the twilight rate we paid). Take away the scenery and it's simply a very hard, tricked up golf course. Trump has always wanted to host the US Open at that course. There is no way it could host it. And the players would hate it.

The ammenities of the course are so "Trump" that it's almost commical. The locker room, the entry to the clubhouse, it's just incredibly overstated.

I'd imagine that most of the others that submitted lists haven't even played Trump's tracks let alone enjoyed them.

The best part about the slideshow is juxtaposing Trump's typed up list to the rest. I'm sure Trump spent more time figuring out how to include the other courses amongst his own. If he had any class he would have picked zero of his own courses with a note saying why he excluded them.
04.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew
Would be interested to know when all of those lists were compiled. A couple of them are dated from 1994 as listed on the stationary and the late Dave Marrs list also has to be from well in the past.

As for Trumps course in LA wasn't that the couse Pete Dye originally designed and one of the holes collapsed?. Then didn't Trump buy it on the cheap, fixed the collaped hole and renovate the rest?
04.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterOWGR Fan
Yes, it was a Pete Dye design, called Ocean Trails.
Trump retrieved the two lost holes that slid off into the Pacific and added the two waterfalls (that are so loud, you have to yell to your playing partners when on those two greens).
The course is somewhat fun to play with all the views and all the "Trump Stuff" is kind of enjoyable in a comical way. Someone must have threatened the staff to remember all the guests name. I was a bit shocked at their ability to remember mine over the five hours I was on the property.
However, even if they lowered the prices, I probably would not go back.
04.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
Well, everybody knows who Marky Mark is. Right? Especially since "Boogie Nights."
As a West Coast guy, I have to say that Millers list is my favorite
04.21.2011 | Unregistered Commenterjjshaka
Improve trump la? You ask the impossible. But if pressed, I would suggest deeper rough, faster greens, narrower fairways, deeper bunkers, updated GPS on Mercedes carts, and hot (but classy of course) cart girls. Another waterfall? A fountain in the waterfall?
04.21.2011 | Unregistered Commenterjw
Someone needs to make a gold plated statue of the birds can poop on it.
04.21.2011 | Unregistered CommenterA3golfer

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