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Ramsay "Suicidal" After Missing U.S. Open Qualifier Playoff

I think that's the urban term the kids use these days for "mildly depressed," but hopefully someone just kept whispering the reassuring word "Congressional" to the Scot after he missed Monday's playoff to determine the final U.S. Open spots.

Bernie McGuire reports.

Ramsay left the Walton Heath 36-hole qualifier with scores of 71 and 69 for a four- under-par tally thinking his effort was not enough to be among the 11 qualifiers for Congressional. He made his way to Heathrow but, after being stuck in traffic, he missed his flight and the wedding of Gareth Maybin.

Okay, first thing here. Who gets married on a Monday?

Sorry, go on Bernie...

Ramsay then received a call from Stephen Gallacher saying he should return as he was likely to be among three players fighting for the last position. Unfortunately, Ramsay was still 15 minutes away from the course when Andreas Hato and Johan Edfors teed up. It was Edfors who was successful.

Ramsay looked distraught in returning 9.20pm, in the dark, to be told he’d missed the chance to join Gallacher and Martin Laird as the only Scots in the June 16 Major.

“I feel suicidal,” he said. “I got a call from Stevie to say four under was in and to get back here. To miss out on the chance to play the US Open makes me feel sick.

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Reader Comments (21)

Well, on the bright side, at least he was able to miss a wedding.
05.30.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
I believe it was Bank Holiday Monday yesterday, in reference to the "who gets married on a Monday" question. No, I don't get it either, but at least it's an explanation!
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterHawkeye
I suppose Monday is a good day because pro golfers hope they are going to be occupied over the weekend.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterStephen W
"Okay, first thing here. Who gets married on a Monday?"

Obvious innit ... a professional golfer.
I was at a club in Ireland a while back, actually Lough Erne (when they were optimistic). It was a Tuesday afternoon and guests were arriving for a wedding. I said the same as you, sort of. "On a Tuesday...?" I said. The hotel said that there's a wedding or reception every day...must be a popular recreational activity.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterGene Oberto
You couldn't be that stupid.
You leave when you are going to make it by three at least.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike Clayton
US OPen ... wedding ... wedding... US Open: both are painful experiences... weekend in London or Edinburgh may be preferable.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterTim in Hoylake
People in Britain get married on all weekdays. Saturday weddings are not unknown, but no more popular than weekdays. I've never known anyone to use a Sunday.

Surprised Gareth Maybin wasn't taking a crack at the qualifying.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterJack Frost
There is no good day to get married.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterGolf Nut
A1: Me.

RR was dumb enough to incur loss of hole penalties in two of his matches in the 2006 U.S. Amateur and he's showing that he's still not all that bright.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterCarl Nelson
Who shoots four under par and thinks that it doesn't have a chance especially when there are 11 spots?
@S&T: Someone who doesn't deserve a place in the Second Major.

@Golf Nut: Got married on a Friday-the-13th, 29 years ago this August. The woman is a saint, obviously.
Too bad he missed the chance to shoot 76-73 and miss the cut at Congressional.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered Commentertlavin
@Jack - I got married on a Sunday morning - outside; in October: in Ottawa - worked out great - beat the snow by 24 hours.
I also once saw Jack Nicholson on a plane -- he was up in first class, so I yelled "Hi Jack"... and everyone started screaming. That didn't work out quite so well.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterTim in Hoylake
First thought, "Who is Ramsay?
Second thought, "Would the world miss him?
Third thought, He wouldn't have won the playoff.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterWalter
Sorry Geoff, but I got married on a Monday, 32 years ago. Fifteen minutes with a Justice of the Peace in Toronto followed by lunch with friends. Much more enjoyable than a long Saturday traditional thing.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered Commentermel
Walter-well he did win the US amateur and a Euro Tour event so he's not a hacker.A bit dim but not a hacker.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered Commenterchico
In the UK due to cost and, frankly, lack of religiosity, church weddings are becoming fewer and fewer; civil service followed by drinks and maybe a meal, and live happily ever after. So any day will do.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered Commenterfourputter
@Tim in H.... Even Henny Youngman used fresher material.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered Commenterloops
Not a fan of Congressional, Geoff? Its a nice enough track for an Open. Rumor here inside the Beltway is they may have to dumb it down to prevent total embarassment of the players. Hear GMac shot north of 80 in a practice round. Should make for a short title defense if that's true.
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe O
Geoff what is the golf writers/architects issue with Congressional? I have read similiar comments from Ron Whitten. The course has some awkward gree to tee walks and its been redesigned (although many top courses have had some work done on them) on more than one occassion. Players seem to give it favorable feedback. Just wondering. thanks
05.31.2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobby

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