"So in other words, this is probably not a video Hogan would have made."
Sam Weinman explains the genesis of the train wreck spoof music video featuring America's brightest hopes--Mahan, Watson, Fowler, Crane--and of course, charity is at the heart of the campaign. If only America's up and comers put as much creative energy into their short game as they do their image enhancement efforts.
Warning, this is painful.
Reader Comments (59)
I question the timing. Seems odd two days before a major (since none have won one).
And, yea verily, before you negativists begin your dogpile, keep in mind that producing comic video is difficult and takes titanium balls.
As you trash this admirable effort, show us what creative and positive work you have contributed.
No, you would never have seen this in other generations but to be fair, this is a new world of social media.
It was.....interesting....
My takeaway thought was that other than Fowler, I didn't see a bunch of ripped athletes who demonstrate that increased athleticism is driving the ball further. I'm just sayin'.....
Golf is a SPORT or GAME, and does not have to be dignified. John Daly should be a role model for more golfers, and I just wish these guys would give the world entertainment on the actual course.
All I can say about it is: COOL FARMER TANS FELLAS...not counting Rickie (he appears to go to a tanning salon/men's spa thrice per week)
Again...they should let their clubs do the talking/promotion. Chema hit the nail on the all over the western world are turning into infantile she-boys.
" When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
These guys don't necessarily have their fingers on the funny pulse, but to see them do this when we're so used to the robotic nature of tournament golf is a bit refreshing. If professional comedians had done this, then yes, it would have fallen woefully short of funny. But to see these guys do this is pretty funny.
Fowler grabbed Crane's balls at the 1:33 mark. Whoops!!!
That these guys did this to raise money for a worthy cause is much to their credit. The entire world needs more of us to stop taking ourselves so goddamn seriously. Our work? That's a different thing altogether. And there is no reason to suspect any of these golfers of not taking their work as professionals seriously. Bubba could learn to stem the tears when he wins, however. But even that is sort of endearing.
On another front closer to what I do, here is a parody from Baylor College of Medicine to beat all such productions, now and forevermore:
248 out of 2,882,765 didn't like it. There are a few in every crowd.
This is as good as any REAL ''boy band'', and they made it cleat that that was the intent: to parody a boy band. I guess all of you detractors thought Spinal Tap was terrible.
This music of ''Oh Oh Oh'' is not my style, but they really nail it, and bravo for them really ''singing'' instead of doing a Milli Vanilli.
Congratulations to ''the boyz'' for a job well done; obnoxiously funny!
BTW: those are some motel tans: could have done withut Mahan's white gut.
You guys need to cheer up.
Farmers is a big supporter of the PGA Tour and it seems they want to make the point that there's more to golf than the age-old criticism (Mark Twain, "a good walk spoiled") and the more recent criticism ("a bunch of white guys walking.")
Now if they did a parody of GunsNRoses or The Clash...or even say a rap parody video...then OK with me. I know, I'm turning to an old fuddy duddy at the ripe old age of 37....but I don't give a $hit. That music sucks and will always suck! Long live the guitar solo!!!!
It's just what you would expect from 3 out of 4 of these ass-clowns.
I recently gave a pair of pink socks to GoodWill; wonder if they went to Ben Crane? After this I too like him just a little bit more, off the course, that is.
With all due respect, I think you need a visit to the following web site:
I've pledged to address it any time I see/hear someone use this word, as it is essentially hate speech. I'm not accusing of that, but simply passing this on to raise your awareness of the inappropriateness of this word.
<grunt> stepping off my soapbox now... :)
Happy golfing, all!
Now please find another even less important soapbox.
If you don't see the inappropriateness of the word, I feel sorry for you. Subsitute the N-word, or homophobic slur into your comment and see how it sounds....same thing.
I won't turn this into a forum and run the thread off topic, but I have to say shame on you, for being a (hopefully former) educator and you find it is still appropriate to use that word.
Now, everyone, back to golf, please.
Dressing Like a Retard and Believing it is Funny (Ben Crane)
Getting Caught Blowing another Dude?
Pass me the flavored Oils
yeah, y'all stay on yer hie horses...