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"You should have heard the conversations about that later."

Mike Davis talked to a few writers after today's press conference where Shinnecock Hills was announced as the 2018 U.S. Open venue and was grilled about the disastrous 2004 U.S. Open. Davis was second in command to Tom Meeks but shared this about the halting of play during Saturday's round.

Dave Shedloski writes:

"I went out to 7 and watched the second group go through, and I immediately suspended play. I didn't even have the authority to suspend play, but I suspended play."

Tom Meeks was in charge of setting up the golf course that year. Walter Driver was chairman of the championship committee. But Davis couldn't reach either of them on the radio. "Time was working against us," Davis said. "You should have heard the conversations about that later."

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Reader Comments (6)

Mike is such a breath of fresh air inside the stuffiest of organizations. I'm 100% certain the powers that be at Shinny would be loath to deal with the USGA if the likes of Walt, Fred and Tom were still at the helm.

Here's to hoping they'll ban those last three from this hallowed ground.
06.16.2011 | Unregistered CommenterHappy Gilmore
I thought the problems with the 7th green were on Sunday's final round at Shinnecock in '04, not the Saturday round.

Maybe I'm wrong.
06.16.2011 | Unregistered Commenterd.b.cooper
Wonder what Meeks thinks of all the gushing over his assistant Davis.
06.16.2011 | Unregistered Commenterd.b.cooper
Now it's disastrous? What a bunch of revisionist hooey.
06.16.2011 | Unregistered CommenterAdam Clayman
As usual, Adam, it's the survivors who get to tell the tale.
06.16.2011 | Unregistered CommenterCarl Nelson
d.b. cooper, the problems began on Saturday.
06.17.2011 | Unregistered CommenterHawkeye

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