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Tiger Out Of The U.S. Open

He tweets the news:

And from his website:

"I am extremely disappointed that I won't be playing in the U.S. Open, but it's time for me to listen to my doctors and focus on the future," Woods said. "I was hopeful that I could play, but if I did, I risk further damage to my left leg. My knee and Achilles tendon are not fully healed. I hope to be ready for AT&T National, the next two majors and the rest of the year."

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Reader Comments (103)

06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterJL
His season is likely over.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy
I know some people here wish Tiger would just go away, but I am not among them.

I love watching Tiger play golf, and the game is less interesting when he's not playing.

I just hope this isn't the end of Tiger as an elite golfer. We should have about 8 to 10 more years of that!
Good move by Woods.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterd.b.cooper
This is about the time he should have been coming back from everything in the first place, but then the neighbor's daughter story broke. The entire post-hydrant timeline will be a classic case study someday.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterNRH
NRH is right. At least, it is what I like to think I would do in the situation. Not that I would be in the situation in the first place.

Word is, his condition is worse then he is revealing. It might be the end. I can't see him sticking around if he can't contend. Tigergeddon is still rippling through the golf world.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMulligan
Best decision it appears that Tiger has made since the car wreck. Whether you are a fan of his or not the professional game is better when he is playing great (along with Phil). Hopefully Tiger can get his health in order and his game follows.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterOWGR Fan
Golf tournaments are just more fun with Tiger there, and way more exciting if he's contending. This is clearly the smart move, you don't want to risk further injury with a lot of the season still to play. Glad he made it, it's very tough for athletes to sit out of big events.

Now we just need to not read to much into it
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterelf
So, is Ramsay back in?

Seriously, does anybody know how the USGA determines which alternate gets a go when a fully exempt player withdraws? If a qualifier withdraws, the alternate from that sectional qualifying tournament gets into the field. Supposedly, there's a secret formula and overall alternate list that determines who fills the spot in a case such as this. Does anybody know how that list is drawn up? I'm a little curious.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlex H
@AlexH...... Per Golf Channel Forecaddie...... Am Michael Whitehead, 23, alternate from Dallas qualifier, replaces Tiger Woods at US Open
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterOWGR Fan
Get the fork ready, the Fat Lady's warming up, talk about woulda coulda shoulda? "Cartilage" returns yet again. His medical reports have been thinly transparent his entire career and odds are the scale is tipping towards "done", not season as Jeremy has opined but just plain done.

Sad, actually - quite the talent. This news on the day we get the Els story below this one. Oh bother ...
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterGolfFan
The sad thing is that Vegas bookies will likely still have Tiger as the favorite for the US Open....
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterRickABQ
knee replacement?
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterrose
Fifteen years and counting to the geezer tour.

/s/ a geezer
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterPasaplayer
Obviously the only decision - if it's really time that he needs, as opposed to a miracle, he should not try to rush back for any events this season, but just concentrate solely on getting his leg as strong as possible. I was never a particular fan, but Golf is more interesting with him around, at least in the Majors, and I'd like to see him back competing (if not necessarily dominating).

He doesn't need money, he doesn't need minor titles - he needs to find equilibrium, to have the best relationship with his children he can, and in a golfing context he wants to make sure that he's in the best condition to give himself a crack at 5 more Majors. Maybe a bit more time to think about that won't do any harm either. If his knee/leg/game is reparable he's got plenty of time on his side.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterbs
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterWillie
@Alex - The USGA has what they call a re-allotment schedule. It is based on the sectional qualifying sites that came closest to getting another spot. By replacing Tiger and Hanson they've already moved to the third on the list for the next exempt player that withdraws.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterPapa Bing
In 2006 a professional golfer cut off his thumb and forefinger in a freak accident. That really sucked but he packed them into a plastic bag and went off to the hospital. Last week at age 45 he shot 65 Sunday, finished second, and made $545,600.

Tiger will be back, there is plenty of time.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterDel the Funk
Nothin' to see here , folks.

As all performance paid people would do, he is always going to give the optimistic side, and not reveal the bitter end until the bitter end.

PM was no more honest last year in his addressing his disease, and hoping on a wing and a prayer that all would be well.

At some point it may become apparant that TW is OLD....not in years, but in miles.

No matter how badly we all want to do what we have always done, it becomes clear why ''making hay while the sun shines'' is more than a saying.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
What odds would you take for Tiger never winning another PGA tour event? I'd wager at 10-1.
It is a possibility.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterqwerty
Here's hoping he gets well enough to compete again. For what it's worth, just as his cornerback physique isn't necessary for golf -- it's not football out there ... I think he can come back and compete on a less than perfect set of wheels. Get rid of the pain, figure out a swing that doesn't cause re-injury. This isn't Beckham trying to play World Cup Soccer. This is a guy trying to play a game that 55-year-olds can play at the highest level (See Hogan's '67 Masters, Watson's '09 Open Championship, etc.)
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterSqueaky
These injuries should have been fixed properly in the first place. He's an elite athlete and his body is his tool. (yeah..I know..bad pun) . He either gets bad advice or doesn't listen.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterLongy
Not sure I really care. I don't think he would have been a contender.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterJSS
There may not be as much time as some of you guys seem to think.

The cracks were showing at Hazeltine '09 and even a little before that. He was really forcing things against Chang.

Those many years of competition have a way of burning one out.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterd.b.cooper
qwerty...are you suggesting you would pay out $10 if Tiger ever won another event vs. collecting only $1 if he doesn't?
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterDel the Funk

Just the opposite, I would presume.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterd.b.cooper
"The cracks were showing at Hazeltine '09 and even a little before that" mean at Hazeltine when he finished second? The cracks were showing then? You must be supernatural,

5 wins and 2 seconds in 3 months.

Jul 2-5 AT&T Natl Won
Jul 16-19 Open Champ Missed Cut
Jul 30 Aug2 Buick Open Won
Aug 6 - 9 WGC Bridgestone Won
Aug 13-16 PGA 2nd
Aug 27-30 Barclays Won
Sep 4-7 Deustche Bank 11
Sep 9-13 BMW Won
Sep 24-27 Tour Chmpshp 2nd

And he won the FedEx Cup. I know I know - you all think it is bullshit but it IS $10M.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenter7.0
I would add that his three months in the summer of 2009 basically equals Luke Donald's career. How many years till Rory matches those three months? I think there was a fairly successful President's Cup in there too.

But the cracks were showing? U huh. Sure.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenter7.0
Regarding 7.0's research:

From the information below, and considering Erkel only wants majors, he missed the cut in the British and then could not close out a 54 hole lead in a major for the first time in his career at the PGA, choking it away to a journeyman from overseas.

Conclusion, that WOULD qualify as a 'crack' - not a gaping hole at that stage, but a crack for sure.


5 wins and 2 seconds in 3 months.

Jul 2-5 AT&T Natl Won
Jul 16-19 Open Champ Missed Cut
Jul 30 Aug2 Buick Open Won
Aug 6 - 9 WGC Bridgestone Won
Aug 13-16 PGA 2nd
Aug 27-30 Barclays Won
Sep 4-7 Deustche Bank 11
Sep 9-13 BMW Won
Sep 24-27 Tour Chmpshp 2nd
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
@7.0..... Tiger also won a tournament in Australia a couple weeks before his incident and also finished 6th at a WGC in Hong King before that..
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterOWGR Fan
There has never been a WGC in Hong Kong - I think you mean the even in Shanghai
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark

See Marky Mark's thoughts.

You need to observe the KEY moments closer and get your mind off of the results of the various Eskimo Pie classics amd the almighty dollar.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterd.b.cooper
The fact is that the cracks were showing and nothing is more telling than the fact that he proclaimed 2009 a good year even though he didn't win a major. That says it all. Remember the Curtis Strange interview in 1997 (?), "2nd place sucks." Well, not after became acceptable to him then. Crack...crack...crack...getting ready to crumble.

But here is the deal, he should shut it down until he is healthy. If it is an entire year, fine. He needs to get healthy and try a legit comeback. I'd love to see him get his body right and make a serious run at Jack's record. If he keeps coming back to early from injury, he has no shot at the record. If he gets right physically and begins to win, he'll be OK mentally...and then he can become Tiger "2nd place sucks" Woods again. If not, forget is over...a gimpy, older Woods, can not break the record.

You heard it here first!!
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMRP
@MarkyMark...... Thanks for the correction. It was Shanghai. Would be nice to have an edit option!
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterOWGR Fan
Hazeltine was a turning point. He did what he got used to doing - waiting for the other guy to fall apart when the heat was on - and Yang not only doesn't fall apart, he hits the shot of his life into 18. 9 times out of 10, Tiger destroys him. That he didn't when he needed to must've been shocking to him.

7.0, he never betrays weakness so of course he's going to proclaim '09 a good year without a major. The guy moves the goalposts all the time to suit where he's kicking from that day.

I don't think we've seen the end of him, though, and truth be know, I'd be bummed if we have. He's great for golf. The best I'll ever see.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterAK47
the best part of the hazeltine battle was how tiger tried every one of his intimidation tricks and yang never batted an eye. i loved that.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterthusgone
Let's go back a little. In all of 2009, Tiger entered 18 stroke play events and won 8 of them (he also won the Arnold Palmer Eskimo Pie Invitational, the Jack Nicklaus Eskimo Pie Classic and the JBWere Australian Eskimo Pie Masters). He finshed 6th at the Masters and US Open along with the 2nd at the PGA. He won two FedEx Cup events and a WCG. Hmmmn.

Only in Lunatic-Tiger-Hater-Ville do the residents see "cracks" in his game.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenter7.0
Yang put a little needle in the eye of the Tiger. And it hurt so good.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterA3golfer
I feel sorry for ESPN- how are we going to understand what Scott Van Pelt and Andy are saying through the muffled sobs.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered Commenterjjshaka
7.0, I'm with you brother. I'm just telling you that in another time, the man himself would've declared it not a good year because he didn't win a major. Majors are all that matter to him.

thusgone, what was even more wild was how Yang threw in his own little games, like standing way too close as Tiger putted.
06.7.2011 | Unregistered CommenterAK47

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