Wozzilroy Files: Caroline Pops A Question In Rory's Post Round Presser
After Rory McIlroy opened with a 66 in Dubait, Tony Jimenez explains what happened in the post round press conference.
The Danish tennis player, a former world number one, interrupted the normal talk about birdies and bogeys and five-irons and three-woods with a question out of the blue from the back of the room.
A smiling Wozniacki, dressed in all white, took the microphone from one of the reporters and asked McIlroy amid roars of laughter from the assembled media: "If you win this week am I going to get a really nice Christmas present?".
The world's number one golfer pulled his cap over his eyes before telling his girlfriend: "Have you not already got a lot of nice presents?
"I have been looking, I have been looking. But it won't take winning this week to buy you a nice present - I'll get you a nice present anyway."
It drew another smiling response from the golf-watching Wozniacki: "That must be because I'm an unbelievable cheerleader".
McIlroy prompted more giggles from the floor when he said: "You're a better tennis player", to which the Dane replied, "That's not very nice".
Ewan Murray wasn't quite as kind in The Guardian, calling the moment "embarrassing" and noting Rory's "red face."GulfNews.com's Ashley Hammond described the scene this way:
Ignoring McIlroy’s “Don’t even think about it” warning as he walked into the room and saw her among the press-pack, the winner of 20 WTA career titles stood up toward the end of the conference, much to her boyfriend’s embarrassment, and said: “You obviously have unbelievable support this week."
Brian Keogh noted the Gulf News story and the assertion that the reporter believes a wedding is soon in the offing.

**Brian Keogh posted a photo...Caroline has definitely improved the press corps in the beauty department.
**Reader Bernie McGuire wrote in to complain that I had suggested Keogh took the image. But as you can see from the words above, it says he posted one. Eoin Clarke of golffile.ie took the shot and as I do daily, have embedded a thumbnail version here with the express hope that you'll click on the link provided.
Reader Comments (25)
Well said!
Seemed pretty funny to me. But I definitely look "uniquely" at things
I agree with @DTF. Bizarre, inappropriate behaviour.
They are young, they are human and having some fun. A breath of fresh air. Rory, being Irish is more than used to having the p1ss taken on occasion. I think his response shows he was not angry.
Inappropriate?? What do you think this is, a UN meeting?, Parliament? G20 Summit?
It's golf for Chr1st's sake and we would do well to not take is so seriously.
The rest of you are old women.
PressAgent: Hate to point out the obvious, but the frivolous, plastic, celebrity culture is already on Tour...for awhile now
Embarrassing for Rory without a doubt. Does Caroline have press credentials or did she finagle a way to get the mic handed to her?
ANyways...would've been great if Rory threw her a pack of tees and an apple when he was asked what sort of shiny bobble he got for the ole Ball-N-Chain.
Then a golfer from today like Bubba upens his yap and tells the truth and the cry goes up that today's golfers have no reverence for the game like the statesmen of old. Why do golfers of today constantly showboat with their opinions? When we golf writers want their opinions we will tell them what to say. Ergo 15 years of bland coach speak from tiger.
And now Rory actually has an interaction with his girlfriend....who btw was #1 in tennis, during one of his five soul deadening press conferences this week.
Guys: Rory writes the rules. The transcribers of the press are there to shut up and record.
Digs, I was thinking constipated warthogs, not old women, but yeah...you got it. :)
File this little jus' funnin' incident away but don't forget because a little later we'll think hmm, there really was a signal there...
Lets try "Manky"....it works!!!!!!
hmmm Fun with spellcheck...who woulda thunk it?
I once wrote something called "Adventures in Spellcheck," showing what it would have made me write in its preference to what I actually (and correctly) wrote -- illiterate twaddle, I need hardly add. Nowadays all I do with it is "add" so that my own programme, at least, has a nodding acquaintance with the British/Canadian spellings of certain words!
Spellcheck is only useful for correcting spacding errors.