GMac Declares Enough To The Stupid Gallery Shouters!
Following his impressive win in the World Challenge Presented by Northwestern Mutual, Graeme McDowell was asked about several topics and was as engaging as usual.
But I know a lot of you are tired of "You The Man" types and GMac agrees.
And let's hope there's not too much more of that going on out there. I'm kind of fed up with all this "mashed potatoes" and all this rubbish that the crowd are kind of enjoying shouting right now.
Keegan had a guy out there who was after every shot he was yabba dabba doing and it was just stupid. It's something for the players, it's not a lot of fun and it's kind of becoming a little bit of a cool thing to do for the spectators. It kind of gives them their two or three seconds of fame. But it gets a little frustrating for everyone.
Reader Comments (39)
This ain't an alcohol issue, it's an enforcement issue.... (or lack thereof)
Mashed Potatoes!!!
And by your response, Milton, you are a part of the preponderance.
I wish you profound happiness.
Milton's assessment is complementary to lack of enforcement.
While I'd like to see Adam Scott continue to putt well once he goes back to the short stick, I (& many others) don't feel the same about Keegan.
a man can dream can't he?
second, the bigger issue is that people like you call this humor. its stupid, mindless shouting that is annoying, all for someone to get a little attention. Its the guy yelling something out then turning to his buddy and laughing thinking he just did something humorous...its about as cool as popping your collar while you out.
I am confident these professionals can handle these idiots who choose to yell at tournaments just like I can handle the guy who craps so loud in my office bathroom that I can hear him from 50 feet away while I'm working in my office.
Oh, this is what passes for "humor" these days?
Finally a participant comes forth, admitting that the mere purchase of a ticket immediately allows him to dispense of all traditionally accepted golf courtesies, believing that his presence on the golf course allows him to: 1) ignore everything he knows about golf 2) discard any and all manners his mommy taught him 3) display his complete lack of wit 4) bother, irritate and annoy hundreds of fellow spectators by his exercise in lung power.
Somebody please tell me how screaming completely unoriginal, non-creative, totally unfunny CLICHES is either amusing or clever and I'll sit down to a dinner of divots. Tell me, leather-lungs, just what do you get out of these carefully planned shrieks.... do you enjoy the immediate sense of disdain and derision from those around you or is it the chuckles fit for a group of 14-years as you and your soused buddies giggle yourself silly at this genius of an intrusion?
Sure, alcohol fuels the inspiration but the pathetic truth is that the zeros who scream at golf tournaments are merely unaccomplished losers who use their temporary boldness to insert themselves into the event playing out on the field, a field as foreign to them as footprints on the planet Jupiter.
A few weeks later at Riviera I remember thinking the same thing to myself and then lamenting that the cliffs at Riviera go in the opposite direction.
As far as this weekend's golf went, I watched about three minutes of it. Did Woods wear his hat on backwards the whole event?
Fortunately Eldrick the Dork only wore his hat backward for a few holes. Thank God.
Sherwood Country Club is a private club, you do not get to " say whatever we want." Before the "this is a free country speech" please at least try to familiarize yourself with the constitution and the concept of private property so you don't look so foolish.
This attitude is why attending sports events largely consists of navigating loud mouthed drunken idiots these days.
@DTF: I had another brainwave/vision: Imagine reenforcing the aforementioned paintball wielding marshals with Middle Eastern Falconry experts...who can, with a flick of the wrist and a head nod, easily send their trained raptors to a specific loudmouth-ticket-holder who thinks they have the right to ruin the experience of WATCHING golf for 95% of the folks within hearing distance....all because they posses a ticket. Now THAT would be some entertaining YOUTube footage!