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Tailors, Dressmakers And Overkill Aficionados Rejoice: Ollie To Have Four Assistant Ryder Cup Captains

Refuting an AP report from last month in which he was directly quoted about more than two assistant captains creating "a lot of headaches," European Ryder Cup captain Jose Maria Olazabal confirmed that he will go the overkill route and do his part for the ailing European economy by naming one assistant for every three players.

"I am surprised to learn that there have been media reports suggesting that we will have only two vice-captains," said Olazabal.

"It is important to have each match watched because you have to hand in your pairings for the afternoon matches when the players are still out on the course. " 
Olly on why he wants four assistants Quotes of the week

"I don't know where they could have come from or whether there has been some misunderstanding, but I want to make it clear that I will be selecting four vice-captains.

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Reader Comments (9)

i'm an american, but i think joe mary has earned the right to have whatever he wants as rc captain. he's a class act.
05.21.2012 | Unregistered Commenterthusgone
Thusgone-well said.
Ollie can have as many assistants as he wants but too much information will impede more than it will help - two vice-captains is enough and enough is plenty.
05.21.2012 | Unregistered CommenterIvan Morris
So what are you going to do, Ollie, pull all your assistant captains away from their morning matches so you can discuss afternoon pairings? Makes sense to me.
05.21.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJeff Smith
Any bets one of them is Miguel Angel Jimenez. And probably Thomas Bjorn.

Among possible team-missers with sufficient value to be considered are Poulter and Casey.
05.21.2012 | Unregistered CommenterSandfly
talk about not important..,.
05.21.2012 | Unregistered Commenterchicago pt
Won't help.
05.21.2012 | Unregistered CommenterBuffett
Won't help.
05.21.2012 | Unregistered CommenterBuffett
This is not a science of the highest order. Overkill is correct. This is business, not that Ollie has ever actually run a business (in deference to him and his job). Two is enough; one is even better.
05.22.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Hagen

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