Jack: "You're supposed to suit your game to the golf course."
Neat lines from Jack Nicklaus today, who was on hand at Olympic Club to announce the renaming of the gold medal given the U.S. Open winner and to unveil plans for a Nicklaus room at Golf House.
Talking about what makes it tough to win back-to-back U.S. Opens.
A lot of people say, this golf course doesn't suit my game. Which to me is the most ridiculous statement you ever hear, for the reason that the golf course is not supposed to suit your game. You're supposed to suit your game to the golf course. That's why we play a different site every year, otherwise we'd play on the same site.
Reader Comments (15)
What does Corey Pavin, known as as short dirver of the golf ball, do when he is preparing to play a very long course, practice hitting the driver off the deck or change his full swing to hit the drive 60 yards further? More probably, he focuses on fine tuning his putting and short game to compensate.
Does Tom Lehman start practicing hitting fade shots on a course with numerous left to right doglegs?
It is very reasonable to ask how a golfer is preparing for the characteristics of a difficult course, but I don't think it is ridiculous to comment on whether a particular course suits someone's game. There is a reason Lee Trevino never won The Masters golf tournament.
Nicklaus is right in a sense, but he's setting up a straw man because I don't think anyone is saying what he is implying.
Otherwise, the US Open would be the Masters.
'Faid do's, haven't heard that expression in about 50 years, where did you pick it up
'Faid do's, haven't heard that expression in about 50 years, where did you pick it up