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Couples And Hulbert Appointed Ryder Cup Cart Drivers; Love Undecided On Other Two

Steve DiMeglio on today's press conference at Congressional where Ryder Cup Captain Davis Love appointed 2013 Presidents Cup Captain Fred Couples and former tour player/caddy/2002 assistant captain Mike Hulbert as his first two assistant captains, with the others to be named later.

The hold up?

"Those two were my natural choices. My next two are going to be harder," Love said.

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Reader Comments (10)

I vote for John Daly. JD can play a role as assistant coach similar to Shooter (Dennis Hopper) in "Hoosiers."
JD can keep Webb, Bubba, and Zach ready to play loose and long.
Naturally, John will have to provide a guarantee that they will not end up in jail the night before the singles matches.

Webb, Zach, Bubba = The Three Musketeers
JD = D'Artagnan

My second vote? The Berm! Boomer! Yes! . . . Chris Berman. If nothing else, he can annoy the heck out of the opposition.
06.27.2012 | Unregistered Commentergov. lepetomane
Geoff, Why the dsimissive lede? Did you come up with this yourself?
06.27.2012 | Unregistered CommenterHEY GEOFF!!
Well, we know MJ will be there, he and Davis are tight, but he won't be official. Probably Sluman and maybe Justin Leonard, I think they are big pals. You know what? Who cares. I just wasted 60 seconds of my life.
06.27.2012 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
David Toms will be an Asst. Captain for sure if he doesn't qualify or get selected. He's a PGA Championship winner, a possible Ryder Cup Captain in the near future and his caddy is a member at Medinah.
06.27.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJRP
Shake of head... As if it matters who the captain is let alone the vice-captains. Classical paralysis by analysis
06.27.2012 | Unregistered CommenterIanB
i wonder if picking team underwear is part of the captain uniform duties...nah, that s an assitant's duties..
06.27.2012 | Unregistered Commenterchicago pt
wonder if mike hulbert even knows who bubba is? when is the last time hulbert has been in a regular pga tour locker room?
06.27.2012 | Unregistered CommenterChip Gaskins
Good for Hulby, he's one of the highest quality guys ever out on tour.... Chip, if Bubba can't get along with Mike Hulbert, screw Bubba.
06.27.2012 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
Hulbert is, and always will be, a 'beaut'....he's perfect for the locker/team rooms. If you can't laugh at his stories, then you may have been born w/o a soul.

As for Fred...c'mon, that's like announcing Kim Kardashian is going to be near a photographer today.
06.28.2012 | Unregistered Commenterjohnnnycz
Johnny-If that was Kim I saw flipping by Leno a few weeks ago, there may not be room for a photographer with her oversize bottom/hips in the room.
06.28.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth

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