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  • Grounds for Golf: The History and Fundamentals of Golf Course Design
    Grounds for Golf: The History and Fundamentals of Golf Course Design
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    The Art of Golf Design
    by Michael Miller, Geoff Shackelford
  • The Future of Golf: How Golf Lost Its Way and How to Get It Back
    The Future of Golf: How Golf Lost Its Way and How to Get It Back
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  • Lines of Charm: Brilliant and Irreverent Quotes, Notes, and Anecdotes from Golf's Golden Age Architects
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    Alister MacKenzie's Cypress Point Club
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  • The Golden Age of Golf Design
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  • Masters of the Links: Essays on the Art of Golf and Course Design
    Masters of the Links: Essays on the Art of Golf and Course Design
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  • The Good Doctor Returns: A Novel
    The Good Doctor Returns: A Novel
    by Geoff Shackelford
  • The Captain: George C. Thomas Jr. and His Golf Architecture
    The Captain: George C. Thomas Jr. and His Golf Architecture
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Love Strengthens Ryder Cup Assistant Ranks With Veteran Cart Driver Sluman

Besides Jeff Sluman, the former Presidents Cup assistant captain to Jack Nicklaus, Davis Love has tabbed a rookie to be behind the wheel of those snazzy two-row EZ-GO's Club Cars: Scott Verplank.

The Captain's picks that matter will be on September 4.

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Reader Comments (8)

i still say bring back the Captainess!
08.13.2012 | Unregistered Commenterchicago pt
do we really need 4 assistants? Stockton used his sons and others used none (Floyd, Watson, Wadkins, maybe Kite) . seems like overkill
08.13.2012 | Unregistered CommenterMedia maven
Gratuitous and highly irresponsible and offensive posting. Why demean Sluman, et al for being asked and accepting a job to benefit others and country? Way to go, Geoff. Stay classy!!
08.13.2012 | Unregistered Commentergratuitous
Oh get a clue. It's a longstanding tradition here to heckle the assistant captains on both sides and I'm quite proud of it.

Benefiting country? It's the Ryder Cup, he's not going off to war!
08.13.2012 | Registered CommenterGeoff
Sluman is the perennial assistant even though he has never experienced either RC or PC as a player!
08.13.2012 | Unregistered Commenterbayhill bogey
Field update from the 'Used to Have a Sensible Name/Wyndham Championship':

"Scott Verplank: W/D After Deadline"

Uneasy lies the head that wears the AC's crown.
08.13.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdbh
Do as you please, Geoff, but those you heckle are someone's loved ones who you so proudly diminish.for no reason at all other than to do so. But, I don;t know why you do it b/c you so thanklessly avoided answering my question, which I repeat, is, "why do it?" You remind me of a little kid who, once caught in a lie, a screw-up, or other, defiantly thrashes about trying to blame the accuser, his parent, et al. Thanks also for so blithely telling me to get a clue rather than discussing this like a gentleman. But, I guess you have your limitations given your nature. And despite what you think/feel, golf, life, humanity, etc. is not made better by your "heckling" as you call it. But, then again, 'tis no big deal to you.
08.14.2012 | Unregistered Commentergratuitous
Wow. Must have been kicked as a kid, or?

Hey, being jazzed is part of the fun. I guess you are not a fan of Don Rickles, eh, gratutitoast?

Back to adult conversation---I think picking Furyk is setting up a train wreck needlessly.
08.14.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth

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