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2012 Barclays Classic Final Round Comment Thread

Try to bundle that playoff fever and stick to the championship at hand because the fans certainly aren't holding back. Thoughts, comments and documentation of the obnoxious gallery-yelling welcomed.

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Reader Comments (38)

Wait a sec...New York sports fans are known to be loud and obnoxious???!!! Get Outta EEEEEeeere!!!

Thank goodness for setting our club's TV on mute and throwing away the button.

Uh oh...TW looks like he's lion hunting early...or rather he's hungry...he stopped by the bavarian pretzel/lemonade stand on the 1st hole...mmm german beer!

DTF: If you're still on-site...i'm way jealous....not too many Tour stops where they serve proper Brats/Beer.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterjohnnnycz
Does this feel major-y to anyone else? The players seem to be on edge more than they should be for The Barclays.

I wonder what the crowd is really saying to Tiger, and if he'll have any more injury issues. Tiger's random injury moments really do add some good drama to the spectacle.

And I'm hoping Phil can pull off another round in the mid-60s to make this a great retro-2000s tournament with Sergio, Watney, and Tiger.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJim S
These fans are a disgrace to the game of golf and should be thrown off the course. They should stay at home and simply yell at their big screen TV while wearing their wife beater muscle shirt drinking a tall boy. Bunch of stupid Yankees. Thank god for tournaments like the Master's to show the truth behavior of people on the east coast.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterFog
From the Masters Spectator Guide: "Although cheering and positive gallery responses to great play are encouraged, unsolicited and consistent calls from the gallery are prohibited." Bobby Jones would throw up if he heard these New York cretins.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterChema
No matter what else happens, this has been the only fully dry/sunny week on Long Island all year. God made up for the weather at the past 2 US Opens. I know much has been written about a potential Ryder Cup coming to Bethpage in about 12 years, but my sources say a PGA Championship is more likely in either 2019 or 2020. BTW, #4 just might be the best par 5 these guys play all year.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterfred jones
JIm S. Major-ly--- no.

Somewhere between drunk TW only fans and stick up the butt Masters fans is my preference.

Bob Estes is a sometimes Shacklefordian- we should cheer him to victory!
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
Can I get less Tiger and more Leaders?
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commentermark
It sure does not look like a very big crowd...
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
Disgrace. Woods is 4 over and currently tied 37. There are dozens of people deserving of coverage ahead of him. Including much of the rejuvenated European Ryder Cup team, but also a leading group of Americans and others.

God, when will he pack it in and return golf to golf fans? The Tigerati are getting very old (literally and metaphorically).
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterGhillie
These Guys Are Good - Luke Donald commercial

"He just plays his own game."

translation: wilts enough in the 3rd round to have no chance, then shoots a pressureless 4th round score to sneak in the top 10... he's got this all figured out.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn C
John C LOL
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
Is the audio feed being mixed by tone deaf orangutans, or is it just my TV that seems to be emphasizing all the wrong sounds?
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJim S
JimS. I think the audio is from an airshow and a TV cop show. No golf club sounds...crowd seems to have a choir micing setup.
TW pouting.gets more time than other players shots. Sad.

Barclays is so in to sponsoring, they are using 2 year old PM commercials instead of producing anything new. Pathetic.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
Paging the Center for Disease Control ....

08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterRob
seems unimportant compared to a 15 year old beating all the pro's today with the low round of the day (-6 so far)
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterElyse
Biggest Movers today:

Scott (down 30)
Mickelson (down 28)
Woods (down 28)
Els (down 27)

Thankfully, I've been watching the Canadian Women's Open for most of the day. Way more significant event, especially given the winner.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterpenneraj
Is tgc picking up the Canadian Cbc feed? If so, apologize for ron maclean, so sad we got a puckead calling it. Although not as bad as rod black on thurs/Fri.

Otherwise a great tourney with the am winning.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterM
What did the dimwit say to Sergio on 17 tee?
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commentertim
I don't think the return of Snedeker and Watney to consideration bodes well for Furyk. I think Stricker gets in with the experienced guy/Tiger pairing, but then I think they need 3 younger guys. I'll say DJ, Snedeker, and (if he plays halfway decent next week) Watney.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterBrianS
@tim : What did the dimwit say to Sergio on 17 tee?
No idea, but it lead to the best loud comment of the weekend. Someone responded, 'Let the man golf his ball!' and everyone shut up. For once.

JimS/digs, that's the signature CBS sports wild sound mix. This weird, processed, very loud BG sound that has a helicopter sort of quality to it. It's like a laugh track ported to sports broadcasts.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdbh
As a Long Islander, I was embarrassed by the idiots on 17 tee with their bullshit "USA, USA" chant when Garcia backed off his shot. Not to mention their booing. The worst thing is that they don't know they're assholes.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterHoselhit

Furyk must be toast, too many better players than 5 hour man.

Stricker perhaps as well, as TW's sidekick is not as certain to the overall setup if TW is 2 and done.

Reality. Will DL3 do the right thing or go all C. Strange on us.

TW, PM Strick, Furyk, all questionable for several 18 holers in a row.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
@digsouth - I basically got my head taken off a few months ago when I suggested the Stricker might not be on the team. In looking at the team though they could probably use 1 more guy (not 3 more, just 1 more) with some RC experience. Throw in that he is typically a great putter, and the Tiger connection, I think he still gets one spot. If if there were only 2 picks, no. 3 young guns and one vet seems like a good mix for Captains picks. Looking both likely squads up and down, it really looks like a good event though.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterBrianS
Stricker will be on the team. Bank on it.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenter3foot1
What was Jack's record in the Ryder Cup?
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterD.
@D.: Pretty darn good.
Remember, Jack, Arnold, and Billy weren't even allowed to play during the earliest stage of their careers because of PGA rules back in the Dark Ages.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterKLG
If I had to bet, I'd say Stricker is on the team, because of TW, and no matter what we see, TW ''will be there'' because , well, he's TW. [Not my thoughts- just Charlie thru NewZealand not shaven guy, with all the other pundits in between]

It looks to me like fatigue is PM's problem, Furyk is a head case, Stricker is miniTW and DLtres should have 3 picks, if he is smart, 4 if he is brave, my feeling being that TW is not good for 5 rounds, so the Strick hookup is optional, though Steve stands on his own putting and endurance wise. [ Now THAT was a sentence!]

Ok-- someone else join it, and congratulations to What!~knee, and his w-w-w-ow-wife!
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
johnny, I was out there on Thursday, in by 7am, out by 11.15am so did not have a chance to sample the brat's! But plenty were sampling the brews as early as 8am! I see some comments about guys behind 17 tee wearing the players out, they were drunk and loud in that exact spot by 10.45am on Thursday. I think that spot attracted a lot more of the loud & inebriated than in the past because this year on 17 the vast majority of the "stands" were converted to private corporate boxes, thereby displacing a very large contingent of the loud & inebriated!

BrianS, sure does look like Furyk's playing himself out of consideration...and fast. Perplexing. If not for a couple really bad tee shots it could have been his best year ever, now it's probably shaping up as one of his most disappointing. Shame, solid guy.

So what kind of odds are we laying on the Black greens still being alive this time next week?
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
The galley is renamed Golfellas
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterCarl Spachler
It seems to me that Black Page has become a place where the NY golf fan deems that vocal behavior is obligatory.

Stricker is Ryder Cup material, but the big question is, with his record, will or should PM play every round?
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterLynn S.
How was Poulter treated out there today? I didn't get to see any of the telecast. Looks like he played decent.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
Lynn, I agree that Strick is more enduring !?! than PM, and I never saw Poulter in the TV, unless it was in the early TGC, and I deleted it w/o watching akk of it.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
Play shit all year, win 1 tourny and bang #1 in the standings. Gotta love it
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterUnderTheChin
@Lynn - I would be surprised to see Phil play all of the sessions - he sat one out in the Pres Cup, even after a great record, and despite the format there having less of a need to sit guys. I bet that Phil is thrilled to break the US record for appearances, and will do whatever DL3 needs.
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterBrianS
she's 15, where's her thread?

it's not a major, the "playoffs" are a joke, and a girl just beat a full field of women...
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commentergolfboy
"Fifteen Year Old NZ Girl Beats Full Field of LPGA and International Star Pro Women Golfers Including the Very Much Over-Hyped Nike Wonder Child and Golf Channel Poster Child for Way Too Much Air Time Michelle Wie"...there ya go :o)
08.26.2012 | Unregistered Commenterrb
08.26.2012 | Unregistered CommenterGolden Bell

"Play shit all year, win 1 tourny and bang #1 in the standings. Gotta love it."

bayhill, memorial, at&t.....thanks for coming out!

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